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Life story
May 15, 1995
Born in Yonkers on May 15, 1995.
January 1, 2008

Welcome to my life...To know me is to love me. I was taken from all of you by some very bad monsters. They scared me, they were older and bigger and very bad people. I loved life and everyone in it...till one day someone stole my life away...


I was born to my mom Cindi and dad John. When i came into the world i was the so happy. I had a big sister and a large family there waiting to love and care for me. They would always tell me that they loved me and cherished all the things i would do. They would take me places and teach me things and show me what life was all about. I no they were very proud of me cause they told me all the time.


When i was very little I use to draw and paint lots of things, my mom would tell me that someday i would be an artist or a fashion designer. As i got alittle older I would sing and sing and sing...I knew every word to any song. I sang everywhere i went.


I am proud of myself and all my friends and family.  I would always be there for anyone who needed me.  I had a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, arms to hug you and most of all when you cried so did i. Everyone would tell me what a big heart i had.


I really was waiting for my 13th birthday!!! I couldn't wait!!!!  It was finally time for me to be a teenager can u imagine...I was waiting for my confirmation...I was waiting for to play baseball, for long summer days and nights to skateboard, pool parties, sleep away camp, paintball, beaches and vacations....and of course I was waiting for my big year 13!!!!!


I am sorry that they stole that from me and you.....Please keep me in your memory and smile when you think of me...Keep my road to heaven and back lite so i can always visit. I will forever sit on your shoulder and try to protect you as a guardian angel should!!!


Dana Marie Stella Regan





 The family will soon be adding some of danas poems and more of her life this is just very difficult.


From Dana:..........she wrote "My dreams in Spanish".


Mi sueño es completar todo lo que he trabajado durante todos y hacer que todos se preocupan por que i feliz. No sólo la atención de la gente a quien se acerca, pero las personas que se preocupan por mí. I soñar con algún día ser capaz de tener una familia y muchos amigos.


my dream is to complete everything i have every worked for and make everybody that i care about happy. not only the people who i care about but the people who care about me. i dream about one day being able to have a family and a lot of friends.


many more to come

March 11, 2008
Passed away on March 11, 2008.
August 1, 2008


dana park bench dedication on fiday august 1, 2008 will be adding the whole event as soon as it can be uploaded.  Thank you all for coming and letting go of your balloons with special thoughts and memories and love to my most precious baby DANA RE