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Waylon's mom sweet dreams May 13, 2009
MySpace Good Night Comment: 6
The Queen Family Happy Mother's Day May 9, 2009

Family of Joe Docherty May you find the strength to carry on. May 9, 2009
Precious Dana,
I wish we could be together today,tomorrow,and the day after that, I wish we could stretch minutes into hours and hours into days, I wish we were side by side where we belong, loving you and missing you my precious angel. Forever holding you in my heart.
Angela-Dau.2.Ang.Linda Taylor Sending Hugs! May 7, 2009

Edwina~Troy's mum To Mommy with love on Mothers Day. May 6, 2009


I know it will be especially hard

for I’m not there with you.

But I’m sending you all my love,
on this Mother’s Day

Even though I’m not there

in sight for you to see.

I am always right beside you

holding you ever so close to me.

You haven’t stopped being my mom

I am forever your precious one.

A bond as strong as Mother and Child

can never be undone.

I honor you from Heaven now

through our family you will see.

For they will show love from them

and also love from me.


Hearing “Happy Mothers Day”

how painful it’s become.

But when you hear it said to you

know it’s from your precious one.


“Happy Mothers Day”  Mom

I’ll be right there by your side.

Having my arms around you

holding you with pride.


Waylon's mom Thinkin of you April 26, 2009




Edwina~Troy's mum Thinking of you at easter April 9, 2009

~Hugs sweet Dana~

Edwina~Troy Mitchell's mum Honoring Dana's memory March 11, 2009




Remember me

Remember me when flowers bloom

early in the spring,

Remember me on sunny days

in the fun that summer brings.

Remember me in the fall

as you walk through the leaves of gold,

And in the winter - remember me

In the stories that are told.

But most of all remember

each day - right from the start,

I will be forever near

for I live within your heart.







Amanda R.I.P Dana <3 March 10, 2009

Dana, I didnt know you for that long but for the time I did I got to get to know you. You were a great person. All the talking we did we became like bestfriends they 1st day we met eachother. This shouldnt have happened to didnt deserve it. Im so sorry for this. I really miss you and love you. No matter what you will always be in my heart


R.I.P Dana Marie <3

Jenna love March 10, 2009
Heyy Dana, im cryin right now. 2morroo will be hell thinkin about how u eft us. im sooo sorry dana soo many ppl loved u you mean soo much to everybody. i hope to see you soonn love you dana marie your friend, jenna
friend of a friend Rest in Peace March 10, 2009

Dana...I didn't know you, but you meant a lot to a large group of my friends.  Jenna, Amanda, Fracesca, Mary, a whole group of them.  On that horrible date a year ago tomorrow, my friends weeped and cried and I wished with all my heart that I could make them better.  What happened to you is terrible, and has taught me an unforgetable's taught everyone a lesson.  The boy who did this to you will rot in hell, don't you ever worry, because you'll be safe there up in heaven.  Everyone said you were special, that you were different, and a great, fun friend.  It's terrible that the world had to lose someone like that. From hat I hear, it should have been anyone but you.


I didn't know you, but I wish I had, everyone tells me you were one hell of a person

you've taught everyone a real important lesson, and with that lesson something like this might be prevented from happening to someone else.


Rest in Peace, Dana Marie, your soul will carry on, as will your memory and your essence. NO ONE,


will forget you <3

Lizzie Shea's Family With Love and Hope February 1, 2009
Hope is a higher heart frequency, and as you begin to
re-connect with your heart, hope is waiting to show you
new possibilities and arrest the downward spiral of
grief and loneliness. Listening to the still small
voice in your heart will make hope into a reality.
-- Sara Paddison

Angel Lizzie Shea Family With Love and Hope December 31, 2008
A Child Loaned
"I'll lend you for a little time
A child of Mine." He said.
"For you to love the while he lives
And mourn for when he's dead.
It may be six or seven year
Or twenty-two or three
But will you, till I call him back
Take care of him for Me?
He'll bring his charms to gladden you
And should his stay be brief,
You'll have his lovely memories
As solace for your grief.

I cannot promise he will stay
Since all from Earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there
I want the child to learn.
I've looked this wide world over
In my search for teacher's true,
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes,
I have selected you;
Now will you give him all your love,
Nor think the labour vain
Nor hate Me when I come to call
And take him back again?

I fancied that I heard them say,
"Dear Lord, They will be done,
For all the joy Thy child shall bring,
For the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness,
We'll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we've known,
Forever grateful stay.
But should the angels call for him
Much sooner than we planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes
And try to understand."

Edwina ~ Troy Mitchell's mum. Thinking of you as the new year approaches December 29, 2008






May peace fill all the empty spaces around you

and within, may contentment answer all your wishes.


May comfort be yours, warm and soft like a sigh.

And may the coming year

show you that every day is a first day,

a new year.

Susana Regan Merry Christmas in heaven December 21, 2008

Sending hugs to you and yours always.

God Bless

Susana M. Regan

angels Margarita and Linda Anne Regan

Edwina ~ Troy's mum Thinking of you at christmas December 9, 2008


My thoughts and prayers are with you Cindi, especially now during

the holiday season. I am wishing you a gentle Christmas filled

with beautiful memories of Dana.

Edwina ~ Troy Mitchell's mum With loving thoughts November 20, 2008


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