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a random supportor Im so sorry October 8, 2008
U hav never seen my or heard of me but im just writing to telll u evry1 feels awfully sorry ther lov goes out to u and soo does mine. Im sorry for the horrible thing that has happened to u and ur frends and family. I know the guy that has done this horrible crime. I cant apologize enough for the pain evry1 who has had to lose you. Ur story has taught me and my other frends of mine a lesson in life and i hope u know that. This boy is not my frend and never will be. I see him often and it makes me mad to think about all of ur pain and know it has not effected him. I once again apologize and wish i could help. My heart goes out to u!
Edwina ~ Troy's mum Remembering Dana October 4, 2008

candlesandrose6252.gif picture by edwinalouise

Your beautiful angel is always in my thoughts.

Diana We miss you so much. August 15, 2008
"I noticed how beautiful the sky was the other day & then I realized it's because you're up there"


    Although I didn't know you very well, I was still very hurt when you passed. You were and still are loved by so many people and to see two of my very good friends and their whole family completely destroyed by your absence made me feel destroyed as well. I hope that you are finally at peace wherever you may be and never forget to remind your family that you are happy because you are with God now. Remind them to be strong because you are strong and remind them to not cry anymore because seeing them cry tears you apart! Finally, remind them that everyday that passes is another day that they are closer to seeing you again. We miss you Dana, so very much. And don't you worry, justice will be served, maybe not through the court, but those who do wrong to others are punished accordingly.

PS~ Turns out that you and I had certain things in common, like loving pink, cute skulls =] here's one for you that I personally really like:

Edwina ~ mum to Troy Mitchell Thinking of you July 27, 2008

My thoughts and prayers are with all who love and miss Dana and especially with her very precious and dedicated Mommy. Your angel is just beautiful she captured my heart I spent quite some time looking at her pictures. This website is just fantastic what a wonderful tribute to your precious daughter. I can clearly tell how much she is loved by the many heart touching candles, memories and condolences.

My heart broke into a million pieces when I read Dana's story, Is this really what society has came to? Shame on the people who did this, and shame on the justice system for letting you down.

I can not possibly imagine the anger and disappointment you are experiencing. I wish that there where something I could say to ease your heartache, I have my own precious angel so I feel your pain and emptiness everyday, I only pray that you have some comfort knowing that others care. I will be thinking of you on the 1st of August at the bench naming cemonory although I am to far away to attend I will release a white balloon in Dana's honor from Australia.

God bless your family. Edwina Mitchell Mum to Troy Mitchell

D I MISS YOU DANA July 25, 2008
hey dana,

     i hope your enjoying yourself and i want you to i am praying for you and missin you even though i didnt know u that much. i also hope that the people that did this to you pay for it and burn in hell . imysfm
Susana Regan Just a pic to give in your honor June 4, 2008


Cindi if you ever need to get codes for the pictures to change around on your site

just click the above url


Hugs and prayers to you dear friend

Love Susana

Susana For your birthday May 17, 2008

Susana Happy Birthday Dana May 17, 2008

I am so sorry, I am late. I pray your mom is well and hanging in there. I know the first angeldates are the hardest.

Be blessed

Susana M. Regan


Antoinette everyday May 14, 2008


 i remember the good old days acting like retards on central with shaving cream on our faces saying " beep for the retard" and everyone beeped. i miss you so much, everyday the miss becomes stronger and stronger. i miss school with you, seeing you everyday with your pink bookbag. dana you have no idea how much i miss you. its like everyday i want to call you and talk to you about how much i used to like whats his name. lol. i remember we were at lizs confirmation and we had 2 bring buddy out how he almost got hit by a car, and we ran onto the rock and i was crying and you started crying. it was the stupidest reason in the world, but then we laughed about it. i was at mcdonalds and i was thinking how we bought two mchicken sandwhichs and we didnt have enough money lol. i just wish you were here. i keep thinking about those days. i never thought that you would be gone so early. i still dont believe it after two months. tomoro is your birthday the big ONE-THREE. i wish you were still here so we can throw your party and have fun like last year. PUTTING NAIL POLISH ON MY FEET AND BACK. tee pee for your bum hole. lol. making me eat DOG FOOD. wow lol. i still have that thing you recorded on my razr saying" loser loser loser dana is a loser ME!" i play it again and again just to hear your voice. we were supposed to make our confirmation together. i was sitting in the thing thinking about you and thinking about how you would make me laugh in church over the stupidest stuff. lol. then i started laughing and everyone looked at me lol. i miss you more and more each day. i feel your with me alot. and i just wish we could talk again. i love you dana.

                                                   love your bffl







 D.N.A (;

Danielle's mom I want to take away your pain May 13, 2008
This is Joan - although we have only met a few weeks ago in a very terrible way - at our grievance group - I think of you often and wish I had the right words to somehow make sense of our pain and our loss but there just isn't any.  Know that I continue to keeep you in my prayers as you fight for justice.  I'm here for you and not just on Tuesday evenings - you can reach out at anytime even if it's to scream or cry and know that you don't have to say a word - I just know.
sandra matthew's mom a mothers love May 13, 2008
i did not know your daughter, i was looking at son's and his friends web sight and came across your daughters . ever death is a tragic loss i can't even imagine the pain your family is going through. my son and his friends lost their lives while hunting they were in a car accident and drowned that was hard enough.  please know my prayer will be with you and your daughter was is very beautiful. our children are looking down from heaven and smiling upon us everyday i have to keep my faith in GOD and pray your family does to.
Grace Blessings May 2, 2008

I can only imagine the agony that your family must be going through - my heart goes out to all of you - though I never knew Dana Marie personally I am related to someone who did and they always spoke highly of her - she was an angel here on earth and now she is one in Heaven.  I believe she is watching over all her loved ones and will always do so. She is safe with God now and one day you will reunited with her.


I will continue to pray for your family that God gives you the strength to keep on fighting and most importantly that justice will be done.  I am sickened and disgusted by our justice system.  These murderers deserve to feel all the pain and misery that you unfortunately have to feel now. They obviously don't know how it feels to lose a child. Your Dana isn't free to walk around anymore and neither should any of them - I believe strongly in karma - no matter what they will get theirs in the end.


God bless your family

No Mercy Solidarity! April 24, 2008
Hi, Well first let me say that this kid who did this needs to get castrated and ass raped in prison. His dad is just as bad as he is. Pardon my French I mean no disrespect. I don't even know this poor girl but it still hurts. I can't imagine what your family and friends are going through. It must be agonizing. It's really a pity that someone would sink that low and steal someones child right from under them. If I were in your shoes (and I'm not reccommending this) I would be in prison right now for homicide. All I can say is this kid needs to suffer... :-(
Yvonne Conigliaro Our Prayers are with You April 24, 2008
I only heard about this tragedy last night.  Dana went to nursery, pre-k and kindergarten with my twins (Joseph and Gabriella).  Although we have not seen Dana in a long time, both Joseph and Gabriella remember her fondly.  Joseph is especially fond as he remembers has as his "first girlfriend".  Dana used to bring him envelopes to nursery school filled with stickers and kisses on the outside of the envelope.  It was so cute and she was such a sweet child.  I cannot imagine what the family is going through, but I just wanted you to know that although you may not remember us, we remember Dana and will continue to pray for her and the family and pray that justice is done for this terrible tragedy.  You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
A mom My prayers are with you. April 23, 2008

My niece actually mentioned this to me before I read about it in the paper. She is also 12 years old, just like Dana.  The thought of losing her makes me realize only a fraction of the pain you and your family are going thru.  Tough days now yield better days tomorrow (and after); in time you will see those days before you.  Please hang tight and know that there are lots of people sending prayers your way.

With all my sympathy,

Another mom.

Yolanda Rogers I lift you in prayer April 19, 2008

May our Lord hold you close and may His comfort, His peace and His blessed hope of Heaven fill your heart with His joy as you await an eternity with Him and your beloved Dana Marie.  In His love, Yolanda, Mom to Anna

Madeline- Dana's Lynna Baby You Will Be Missed April 19, 2008
><a href= alt="Lunapic Video Editor"><img border=0 src=""><BR>Edited at</a><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*PTEyMDg2MzEzNzc3NTYmcD*yOTczMSZkPSZuPW15c3BhY2U=.jpg" /><BR><a href= alt="Lunapic Video Editor"><img border=0 src=""><BR>Edited at</a><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*PTEyMDg2NDgwNDQ1MjcmcD*yOTczMSZkPSZuPW15c3BhY2U=.jpg" />
Carol P Forever In Our Hearts April 19, 2008
With every morning sunrise you will be awakened in many hearts. With every evening sunset you will be held tight in comfort and peace. We will fight for you until justice is served.
Emily God Bless You April 18, 2008

I never had the opportunity to meet Dana, but i did speak to her a couple of times on aim. I am Stormy's friend and have heard about Dana, from what i've heard , it is obvious that she was an amazing girl with a good heart and i know she admired Stormy so much! All i have to say is that now she's in heaven, watching over the people she loved so much and cared for. I know her loved ones will hold her in their hearts for ever and i admire her mom, for being such a strong women and fighting for her memory.

Nikki P Never Forgotten April 18, 2008

Love is stronger than death even though it can't stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can't separate people from love. It can't take away our memories either. In the end life is stronger then death. rip dana

You guys know i'm here until the end <3 she will get the justice that is deserved

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