Although I do not know your love one, Dana, I would like to say that I am truly sorry for your loss. I could not imagine what it would feel like to lose a loved one. From the pictures on the page, your beloved daughter, sibling, friend, cousin, niece, etc. looks beautiful and by reading the poems and comments, it seems to me as if she was beautiful on the inside as well. I hope that one day all of Dana's family and friends will be able to bare the pain of this incredible loss because I am sure that she would not want to be holding back the people she cares about from living their lives. Personally, I do not think that Dana would be hurt or angry if her loved ones moved on because why would she want you to suffer? As long as she is never forgotten and always has a special place in your heart, I believe that she will always be happy. I also believe that Dana will always look out for the ones that she loves and the ones that love her. This part might shock a lot of people, however, I feel the need to mention it. I am a close friend of the suspected and accused murderer, Kyle Pirazzi. I know him very well, almost better than he knows himself. I hope that one day Dana and her loved ones will forgive me for being on her page, while being friends with the man that killed her. I intend no disrespect towards Dana nor her loved ones. I would simply like to express my feelings on the situation. . I have spoken with Kyle many times about the night and the incident and I cannot help but to think that he did this to your little girl. Yes, he makes wrong decisions, just as others do, but he doesn't know his limits. The murder of an innocent 12 year old girl committed by Kyle Colby-Pirazzi makes me sad. I could only imagine what I would be thinking right now if I was in your position and some random girl was saying this to me. Nobody will ever know for a fact what actually happened that night except Dana and the others who were there. Just like lysol, which only kills 99.9% of germs, there will always be that 0.1% left, the possibility or the chance, which unfortunately will be left unknown forever. I apologize for the tragedy you have had to experience and the nightmare you are living. Kyle should have to be living a life in which he is being look upon as a criminal for a crime that he did commit. Dana, you truly seem as if you could be considered a Saint by many. I can only wish that I would have been as lucky enough as to meet you during my lifetime, but maybe one day we will meet, in heaven. Your story has most definitely inspired me and has given me a lot to think about. Although we have not met yet, you have amazingly touched my heart and I would like to thank you for that because it is deeply appreciated.You, too, have inspired me with the way that so many people are able to come together and be there for one another, as well as be there for Dana, at such an emotional time. So I thank all of you for that as well. Dana will always and forever remain in your hearts as you will be in hers. Never give up on her because you will meet her again in a better place where all eternity will take place. I wish nothing but the best for Dana's family and friends. REST IN PIECE... Miss Dana Marie Regan. You will be forever young and forever loved. <3 You are missed by many. "Many people may walk in and out of one's life, but very few have the ability to leave footprints like the ones that you have left behind for those you once knew and may have met along the way." ~ R.I.P. DANA MARIE ~ We now know that a true angel has walked the face of our planet. "Gone but never forgotten." 1995 ~ 2008 Thank you Dana Marie Regan REST IN PIECE FOR EVER AND ALL ETERNITY.