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Just for you
This page is for all those who wish to tell me all about what they no about my daughter DANA...There seems to be some people that have express there willingness to speak about her without being known so here please put down what it is that makes you believe that my daughter should be DEAD?  Now dont be afraid to speak out here is your chance....
Vanessa June 14, 2008
She SHOULDNT be qonee

Dana SHOULD NOT bee dead.She really had too be the one here by our sidees wen ever we needed herr !! She was always there to make some one lauqh aqain when they were down or sadd !! When she saww dat you were sad or madd.She would always be like tell me whats wronqq&ill qoo qive the wunn who qot you like this a biq pow.pow ehehe.i miss her soo muchhh.She always kept that BIG BEAUTIFUL smile on herr faceee.She didnt deserve to leave.She was loved by so many people like seirously ii didnt even knoo dana knew soo many people.But she was even loved by the wuns she didnt even knooo!! Thats how much people cared for herr !!.If i had the chancee or her mom had the chance to qo backk in time to stop it.Dana would be here riqht noww prbly singinq.Well yeahh thats my opinion.ii love you so muchh Dana ! dont everr forqet thatt OKK !!.You know that youh will always be in my mind&heart. Jhus keep smiling for everybody youhh know care about you okk !!(:

sonia June 11, 2008

NO! dana shouldnt be F***ING dead! she should be the one living! she was so loved! she kept people happy! she'd always make me laugh! she always had a smile on her face. she is the one that i'd always talk to on the bus because she was a best friend of mine. everytime i saw her in the hallways we would always stop and talk but now she is not here! dana's mom, you dont deserve to be miserable! you deserve to be happy! and i know that right now dana is looking down at you saying thank you mom you're the best i will always love you and i will be with you every hard times you have!
but why dis this happen? dana was the one who kept the friendships in our school. ever since she left us friendships started falling apart and til this day it still is.



MY NAME June 5, 2008

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