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miss monicas poem

people in ur life come and go

some so bright and others rather dim

it is as if god sends people to teach some a lesson or to change other minds

for god is one person and couldnt do it alone

i was blessed to have met such a wonderful person like her she had such joy

everytime i saw her she would smile

someone like her did not deserve to go so young so beautiful brave is the word adventuress is the meaning she was all that and more

its so sad to see her go such a beautiful young girl

so much to learn to feel to see but not so much time as you see i speak of an angle up above looking down on us every second of the day.


From miss monica

miss monica April 24, 2008
mark anthon register April 16, 2008
shell be watching

Doncellashell be watching u if she hardley knew u even if she meat u on myspace or on any site she had..  iv talked to her a few times i kidda knew her she was funny,kool,cute.. even i dont know her like her family, friends, teachers ill miss her as much as anyone else i know this might not be a poam but  i just had to put this

i wish i could be there to vist her grave every min.. she was an alwsome friend..but all i have to say is this SHE'LL BE WATCHING OVER ANY WON  THAT LOVED HER AND THAT WAS A GOOD FRIEND TO HER



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