Dana. reasing other peoples memories makes me think of our good times. at lunch singing and talking in the halls. waiting til the day we could drive and be FREE. collage would have been crazzy. dana i cant stop thinking about you and your loving personality. so many people loved you. i was sisnging hero heroine today with kayla. gosh everytime i hear that song i think of the times at lunch when we sang together. i also think of when mr. santos told us of the news. that you have passed. only 12 years on this planet. there were so manyy crazy things that you HAVENT done ... everytho u did alot. i keep thinking of the time you brought your skatebourd to school. that made me lauphh. i know your soul is blowing in the wind. i no that your love is all around us. you will always be my hero and i will always be your heroine UGH! out of all the poeple on the school you were the name he said. im sorry you had to go like that and im sorry i didnt save you. so how and some way you will be liveing forever. when i went to your wake i saw you there. i saw you in your favorite sweatshirt. goshh you loved that sweatshirt and it had all of your favorite colors on it [blue purple black and white] i loveed your sneakers and i was gunnah get ones like them but they only looked good on you. i reamamber after christmas brake you came up to me nd you were like "look at there hot shooes" i was like ohh yeahss they r awsomee just like you. you smiled so bigg ... i smiled bac! that moment will never be forgetten [and i hope i live within you forever]. also that time in ais when i came into your class. i had to herlp you guys get organizedd. so i brought over my binder to you and monicaa. you started looking at all the notes that me and tiffany wrote to eachother, i could trust you with anything soo i knew it was ok. you knew how to not tell secorets and how to confert others in need. i hhope i can be like you have have all your good qualities, also learn from your mistakes. but why you! out of all the poeple. only the good die youngg. my family sends all there love alot eventhough you didnt know them well. my brother says hello too. i know you thought he was hot...you nd madeline goshh.
cant wait till the dday i see you again. met now friends up there and hope that they had family nd friends that loved them as much as we love you!! that day would be bestt! you can stop by and visit whenever you want to. i try to always save a set enst to me at lunch and hope you will just come and visit for a hour or so. evethought i only knew you for a year i could relateyou you in co many ways. just if you could come back. you were ohh.so.nicee! i wish i could send your message to other teens and regular people like you and me, so they can learn to make the right choices. so thy can save themselves like i wish i could have saved you. iloveyou and imissyou!
softball this your you were going to play with us. join our team. i wish you could have. when me and tiffany went to softball tryouts this year we wish you could have been there. we hoped you would just came backk andd played with us. ran the bases a coupple times. :] i cant wait till we play softball in the sky. hopfully the ball wont fall and hit someone in the head. =/
Your mom is so nice. she is helping all your frineds including me and moncia get threw this. we are all in this together and why to the good die youngg? i know that there is some reason for this. i think it is becuasee god knew how amayzzing you were and how many people LOVED YOU na dyou LOVED BACK. i guess he wanted some of your love, to be your firend, to maybe teach a lesson. can you ask him for me. i cant belive you were making your confermationn this year. you would officially be Dana Marie Stella Regan. i know you would have loved that day. i wish you could be there to actually take Stella as a real part of your name. everysecond of my life i m thinking about you. when we have free time i guess you could call it in school i always right about you or draww about you. i have a section in my mind stored with all the memories we had that is lockedd. nothing can ever come out of it so i will never forget. [never].
I just wanted you to know dana that i love you so much and i will enver forget you or the times we shared togteher. i wish we could have done more together. it took me by suprisee! it couldnt have been true. i didnt belive it. you just have so many people who offer support to us such as you do too. this site is awsome. iloveyou dana marie and i will never forgett you ... never forget me
smile for me. send me a sign that you are still here. mayb a gust of wind or a shooting star. just remember one thing
iloveyou and always will <3
**PS** i found the picture on the internett i love it!! i hope you love it 2