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Hey Dana,
i wanna start out with that i love you and u will always be my friend. Remember the time that me, u and bibi went to the park and told our parents that we was just playin in derr but we went to the woods and we got so scrared cause we had heard things in derr and then we waz walkin and then  we say a man shirt hanging on a tree and then we notice that we was walkin to murrays ....... and the time that u me and nikki went to the movies and say epic movie and we had a blast......nd i noe we have alot more funn memories.. i just  dont lyk that there arent ganna be no more.. i will cherish all of our memories i love you soo muchhh nd i love youuuu<333
well i jhusz wanna start this off by saying that i really miss u nd ily. this whole thing was just a shock to me... u were alwais happy. i put a smile on everyones face even if they just meet you. u didnt hold back anything. i know that u are watching down on everyone and smiling just like u always are. i remember in elementry we were good friends. but we were not bestt friends but i noe we were good friends. i remember in elementry wen it was open house.. all the parents were in the building and we were outside playing tag. we were having so much fun. and pajama day was fun to. youh came in pajama pants and pajama shorts on top of them. we had fun that day. i also remeber when we had a group. we used to pretened that we were witches with real 'powers' we used to come to school saying that we floated up in the air wen we woke up in the morning. but then we had to stop because the principle found out. there was so many beautiful good memories that we shared. and they will alwaisz be in my heart. i love you sooooo much nd i miszz u 2!!!!! i noe that u are watching over us and smiling. we will see eachother again!! [r.i.p DANA MARiE StELLA REGAN] iloveyouh
Wow dana i d0nt know how to start this off .
well you know me and you have so much memories together it incredible . and i seriously will cherish those memories forever . Well one of our crazy times we had together that i just cant forget thinkinq about is when me and you went to the library together to do some school work cause we actually wanted too pass the 7th grade and gradguate togther . so you were readinq the bo0kk and i to0k your i-pod and started to blast the sonqs and i ended up sinqinq in fr0nt of everyone. Then we were singing hanna montanna and we started to dance crazly . eveyone looked at us like we were mental . then we went to the stair case and taged it all up sayinq denise + dana were heree . with smileys and stuff. I cant stop listening to your voice mail . Because that was us two actinq crazy like usual [= . I remember eveytime i called you your phone would be dead and it would be like 2 oclock in the morrning and your voice mail always woke me up cause it was so loud lol . we have way m0re memories that il share later .
 I lovee you Danaa [=

well dana. ive been dyinq to do one of these. but everytime i start typinq i always end up qoinq blank =/. but hopefully this time will be different.

i miss you. and when i say i miss you omq i mean I MISS YOU. i miss everythinq about you. every sinqle thinq we did toqether. omq dana me and you were inseperable! roaminq the halls toqether , lunch , outside of school . omq everywhere!. like when me and you would walk on central. man me and you have soo many memories there. omq remember when we walked to petco to buy a mouse when it was burninq hot out. and when we qot there we couldnt buy it bc we needed an adult haha. ohh and remember all the movies we used to watch toqether. and every sinqle time i came over your house. how you would just be at your door ready to qive me a biqq hii huqq [[= . and omq rememeber when you and joshua stolee my pizza at taco bell and ran away from me! haha that was funny. and how you would intoducee half of my favorite sonqs to me. =]. Dana we used to tell each other everythinq. you were the only one that understood me perfectly. the only one that can finish my sentences. yu were the only one that would understand what i would be tryinq to say even if i was all tounqe twisted and stuff. omq dana. i need you soo badly. we had so much ahead of us. me and you all qrown up. doinq what qrown ups do =]. we had our lives all planed out. you were all i needed in my life to know everythinq was qanna be okay. how you were always there no matter what the time was no matter if there was school the next day. you were my qet away from all my pain. all i needed was a simple smile from you to know everythinqs qanna be ay okay. i miss us runninq around your block. sinqinq toqether. just qoinq crazyy toqether. omq dana me and you could blow up the world when we was toqether =]. we were invincable. and nobody could have ever stopped us. Dana , i seriously love you. and i know your with me riqht now. i can feel you whenever im cryinq. or sadd. i know your tellinq me to stay stronq. bc i remember you tellinq me yu hated to see me cry. so just for you ima just stay stronq for you. ILL KEEP EVERY PROMISE I MADE TO YOU DANA. ILL KEEP EVERY PIECE OF ADVICE YOU GAVE ME. AND ILL KEEP THAT WONDERFUL FRIENDSHIP WE HAD INSIDE ME FOREVER.

ii lovee youu DanaMarieStellaRegan. =]

Wow dana i dont wanna believe that your dead . I didnt know you a lot but like wow still you were such a great person and i remember everytime i saw you in the hall i would just scream i love you . I never really thought your life would end so soon because you were always smiling its like i dont know how to explain it . I really miss seeing your beautiful face and there are times that i see you in school but i know its not really you . I see your face a lot like where ever i go . When denise slept over my house she talked about you so much and all those times you had with precious . I felt you looking down at me but i wasnt sure if you really was . I sometimes feel someone looking over me and i wonder if its you . I play a song called missing you and i just cry knowing the fact that such a pretty girl like you passed away . I dont wanna believe it but i have to get it through my mind . Someone told me that you are still with me in spirit but i dont wanna know that . I wanna know that i will be able to see you in school and scream i love you like i used too . I never really like had enough guts to write something because i knew i was going to cry and im not going to lie im happy that i can write this and not cry . I cried so much when i found out you died . Even though i didnt know you enough like others did you were still someone to me and i really really dont wanna believe your gone . I think about you a lot and i come to this page and read what everyone writes and so many people love you and i hope you know that everyone will always love you and miss you no matter where you are . No matter the distance or the situation i know that you will be looking above all of us and will always keep us safe from all the harm in this world. I really hope your happy up there in heaven . If you ever were to come back alive you dont know how much i would talk to you and how many times i would give you a hug and never let you go . There is not one day that goes by that reminds me i cant see or hear you in school . I remember the very last thing i said to you . Dana i love you , i just cant believe this all happened so fast . I just met you and i cant believe you left so many disappointed . I dont wanna think of you but i just do because it really wasnt fair that such a great life was wasted . God is very lucky to have an angel like you . Angels are hard to find and i think god found the PERFECT one . Your smile always made me smile . So many people love you and you cant ever forget that because you were a very lovable person . You were and always will be beautiful in so many ways . I hope you know that everyone really misses you and loves you and always will . No one will ever forget you and happy confirmation day Dana Marie [ Stella ] Regan . I hope you rest in peace and life will be alright and i hope that you always look over us and protect us ! .
dannaa we made our confirmations today i am now antoinette marie victoria and you are dana marie stella =] yay!! i cant believe it lol aftr the mr. wuld yell at uss soo much im surprised we made it hahaha guudd tyms man lol ilyy have a good sleep sleep tight =] dont forget to count sheep =]
hey dana, im here again visiting you....i was talking to your mom today and she so nice i really wish you were still here....i went outside and tryed to wish on a star but i didnt see any, you were probly hesterical laughing at me looking up in the sky going around in circles....i called your name and told you i missed you, i hope you heard me...i bet you did because right at that moment the wind blew...i remember talking to your mom she told me that everytime the wind blows its you showing a sign....i miss you so much!!...congrats your finally Dana Marie Stella Regan!...i love you <3
I can't believe you're gone and I feel like I don't know you anymore. Also, its so sad to hear that someone killed you. I've known you since I knew Precious on MySpace. Even my friends miss you. Everyone on MySpace misses you and they have your name on their display name to remember you, even me. I can't believe you left all of our lives. My friends tell me things about you in school and some of them don't know you. RIP Dana. 5/15/1995 - 3/11/2008

>>Dana !<3

c0nqrats ! its your confirmation day .

y0ur finally Dana Marie STELLA Regan =]

well w0w dana i cant believe your qone . i kno we werent exactly best friendss but im happy i at least q0t tha chance of beinq your friend . we all really miss y0u and love u . i will alwayz remember u . and i hope u will alwayz remember me to . i remember when you alijah and precious were at my house . and we were on tha trampoline . you were laughinq so much and havinq so much fun . i wishh it was that day again so i can see a bigg smile on ur face . but i kno ur lookinq down at all of us smilinq . you were like 0ne of tha most prettiest, brightest, nicest, awesomest person alive. why did it have to be you who had 2 qo ? i guess qod just needed tha perfect anqel in heaven with him . nobody wanted y0u to leave. but like they say, tha qood die younq . well y0u willl alwayz be with me in my heart. hope y0ur d0inqq well . keep smilinq.




hey dana . im back aqain . im looookinq at tha pictures of us at nikkis house . haha what a fun day . the icon picture is one of my favorite . haha i remember we took everythinq tha nikki had on her dresser thinqie & we started makinq a huqe mess . itz a biq shock that ur qone&doesnt feeel real. to hear the words ur qone doesnt make sense. youh are amazinq . i quess God needed another beatiful talented anqel& you fit the description perfectly. i often wonder if i could have done anything to change ur faith. buh i guess no matter what God needed you and nothin could have changed that. i know your ina better place now. your probably having a blast since today your officially DANA MARiE STELLA REGAN.  youh have been loookinq forward to it for a long time&you finally did it :] . well im very proud of youh :] . well iknoe ur loookinq down on me& smilinq . come&visist me anytime you want . day or niqht . ill always have time for youh . this is not a final qoodbye .

iloveyou dana <<3 .

dana i miss you so much....i wish you were having a hard time at home rite now and i hope you help me through just like you use to....i miss your smile so feels so empty without your laughs or me a favor and keep smiling....everytime i think of you a tear comes out. i know you would not want us to cry but loosing such a amazing person theres no way we cant. every night i talk and pray to you and i hope you can hear me....dana why you? father told me god did it for a reason to teach a lesson, but why did it have to be you? i guess he just needed another beautiful angel...i miss you so much....and i just wish one day i will wake up and it will all be a nightmare but its not gonna happen becuase its a never ending battle of tears...i hope you can see and hear me...i love you! keep smiling <3
Savanna .



Dana. reasing other peoples memories makes me think of our good times. at lunch singing and talking in the halls. waiting til the day we could drive and be FREE. collage would have been crazzy. dana i cant stop thinking about you and your loving personality. so many people loved you. i was sisnging hero heroine today with kayla. gosh everytime i hear that song i think of the times at lunch when we sang together. i also think of when mr. santos told us of the news. that you have passed. only 12 years on this planet. there were so manyy crazy things that you HAVENT done ... everytho u did alot. i keep thinking of the time you brought your skatebourd to school. that made me lauphh. i know your soul is blowing in the wind. i no that your love is all around us. you will always be my hero and i will always be your heroine UGH! out of all the poeple on the school you were the name he said. im sorry you had to go like that and im sorry i didnt save you. so how and some way you will be liveing forever. when i went to your wake i saw you there. i saw you in your favorite sweatshirt. goshh you loved that sweatshirt and it had all of your favorite colors on it [blue purple black and white] i loveed your sneakers and i was gunnah get ones like them but they only looked good on you. i reamamber after christmas brake you came up to me nd you were like "look at there hot shooes" i was like ohh yeahss they r awsomee just like you. you smiled so bigg ... i smiled bac! that moment will never be forgetten [and i hope i live within you forever]. also that time in ais when i came into your class. i had to herlp you guys get organizedd. so i brought over my binder to you and monicaa. you started looking at all the notes that me and tiffany wrote to eachother, i could trust you with anything soo i knew it was ok. you knew how to not tell secorets and how to confert others in need. i hhope i can be like you have have all your good qualities, also learn from your mistakes. but why you! out of all the poeple. only the good die youngg. my family sends all there love alot eventhough you didnt know them well. my brother says hello too. i know you thought he was nd madeline goshh.




cant wait till the dday i see you again. met now friends up there and hope that they had family nd friends that loved them as much as we love you!! that day would be bestt! you can stop by and visit whenever you want to. i try to always save a set enst to me at lunch and hope you will just come and visit for a hour or so. evethought i only knew you for a year i could relateyou you in co many ways. just if you could come back. you were! i wish i could send your message to other teens and regular people like you and me, so they can learn to make the right choices. so thy can save themselves like i wish i could have saved you. iloveyou and imissyou!




softball this your you were going to play with us. join our team. i wish you could have. when me and tiffany went to softball tryouts this year we wish you could have been there. we hoped you would just came backk andd played with us. ran the bases a coupple times. :] i cant wait till we play softball in the sky. hopfully the ball wont fall and hit someone in the head. =/




Your mom is so nice. she is helping all your frineds including me and moncia get threw this. we are all in this together and why to the good die youngg? i know that there is some reason for this. i think it is becuasee god knew how amayzzing you were and how many people LOVED YOU na dyou LOVED BACK. i guess he wanted some of your love, to be your firend, to maybe teach a lesson. can you ask him for me. i cant belive you were making your confermationn this year. you would officially be Dana Marie Stella Regan. i know you would have loved that day. i wish you could be there to actually take Stella as a real part of your name. everysecond of my life i m thinking about you. when we have free time i guess you could call it in school i always right about you or draww about you. i have a section in my mind stored with all the memories we had that is lockedd. nothing can ever come out of it so i will never forget. [never].




I just wanted you to know dana that i love you so much and i will enver forget you or the times we shared togteher. i wish we could have done more together. it took me by suprisee! it couldnt have been true. i didnt belive it. you just have so many people who offer support to us such as you do too. this site is awsome. iloveyou dana marie and i will never forgett you ... never forget me





smile for me. send me a sign that you are still here. mayb a gust of wind or a shooting star. just remember one thing


iloveyou and always will <3



**PS** i found the picture on the internett i love it!! i hope you love it 2

Lauren R.
wow, so many things hav been happenin. I never experience goin 2 a wake or any of that. U were the first person i saw. I'm serious when i saw u at the wake i looked at u and i saw an inoccent, funny, smart, happy, lving and caring person. No matter what anyone says your so special 2 all of us and we love you so much. We always having dreams and seing you in them. We feel your trying to communicate with us. Well, i believe you are. I miss you so much. I hope no one makes your death a waste and take it as a lesson. We should enjoy our lifes and not waste it on drugs and smoking and other sick things. I mean we are only kids. And we should enjoy our kidhood. We shouldn't waste it.


Lauren R.

We see you when we close our eyes,

We’re never ready to say our goodbyes. 


You’ve been with us through good times and bad,

Trying to cheer us up would always make us glad.


People crying and they don’t even know,

But still caring, even though.

We miss you and hope you rest in peace,

The love for you has increased.


WE LUV U DANA!!! [5.15.95-3.11.08]


Monica <3

            people in ur life come and go some so bright and others rather dim it is as if god sends people to teach some a lesson or to change other minds for god is one person and couldnt do it alone i was blessed to have met such a wonderful person like her she had such joy and everytime i saw her she would smile some one like her did not desirve to go so young so beautiful brave is the word adventurest is the meaning she was all that and more its so sad to she her go such a beautiful young girl so much to learn to feel to see but not so much time as you see i speak of an angle up above looking down on us every second of the day.


 dana todaii all i can think was about u todaii we had 2 subs u would have loved it buh there was no ais so it would have been mirly impossible to talk to u if u were here. todaii me and denise were talking about all the crazy stuff u guyz did and all the [[insiders we had]] i wrote this poem in english since i had nothing better to do thats wuh i do in my spear time think about u i hope at night u catch everything i say cuz i noe i can talk pretty fast.. lol wow i miss picking up ur phone or u pen every time it drop sum times in ais i would drop my pen just for u i wish i can vist u. dat would b just ahh.may.zing !!!

Hardcore sprinkles lol dat makes me laugh how that name came to be. at ms._________ room lol

ur fav werd was hardcore and i randomly sed sprinkles lol. dat was cool our name was uniqe

no one could out beat us and i even made u a bracelet dat sed hardcore sprinkles buh everytime i saw u a letter was missing lol i wounder if it still has letters on it. i reamber just talking to u and making u laugh and the day we were talking about ur color bras lol wow wat a random convo how did we get to that??

lol u still have my blistex dat i gave u lol ahahah

and the time i signed ur FAMOUS sneakers lol wow there was sooo much that we did

in soo lil time and to many to list and the things we wanted to do =\ buh i love you its geting late so i better get going talk to u tomarow oh and its my birthday{going bowling}} so i will get a strike in honor of my ais buddy

Good night.


hey dana...i miss you so much....theres not a day that passes that i dont think of you. we werent that close but we were close enough for me to call you a good friend. i miss your advice and help and just wish you were here. you were the most amazing person in the world. you always had a smile on your face and i hope you still do. i miss you!


well i just wanted to say that i really miss you and savanna made me relize something very important today in english the class we were in when we found out the news "you dont know what you have until it is gone" i cry all the time for you. i know we werent close but i remeber this one month we were close you talked to me and said hi and hugged me everyday i even signed your pants but then after that i dont know what happened i just wish it could of contiued. i remember when i got my pair of DC's and i thought of you when i wore them and now everytime i have then on i just remember the time we were walking through the hall way and we were talking about how we just put them on and we dont fix then or anything. we just slip them on and go. =] i also remeber the time when we were walking to class when you were going to ais and i had to go to adv math and i thought i was going to get in soo much trouble if i was late and you thought the same thing so we started running like really running and our feet got tangled together and we fell so hard. i fell right in the middle of the hallway and my shoe went flying [[my DC's]] and i looked over to see if you were alright and you were laughing so hard and it made me laugh so hard. i got up and some random guy handed me my shoe and then i helped you up. we started walking to class laughing the whole way and we both laughing when we got to class. i wish i couldve helped you the way i helped you off the floor that day. =[ when i think about you i always think about that memory. i remeber in the lanague hallway you would always come up to me and try to do something crazy to me. and you pull my hair and stuff and i still wouldnt get mad at you. i could never get mad at you! you were amazing.!! =] i remeber when you and danny went out and when you broke up. you would ask me every day for that month "did you see danny?" and those were your exact words. and you would ask me all the time so then i just became the person who told you if i saw danny.

               i went to your wake and i cried my eyes out and everyone saw as soon as i got there. when i saw our friends crying i just broke down. everyone was telling me not to go in and that it doesnt look like you but i had to go in i had to see you for the last time and even if it didnt look like you i knew it was you and i just cried you were wearing your favorite sweat shirt and that same day me and savanna saw that and we said that looking at one of your pics she said she was like that was her favorite sweatshirt.  why did you have to go out of all the people that couldve went "HE" had to take you. but i know why. he knew you were a good person inside even with all the stuff you did he knew you were amazzing and needed you up in heaven with him. he needed you to be his angel. and everynight i pray and hope that you made it to were you were suppose to go. i will always remeber you and miss you. i can remeber the time when we found out the news. lauren, madeline and savanna just started crying od.e i didnt know what to do i was in shock i wanted to cry but couldnt i was trying to make people feel better the way you made people feel better it didnt work. just face it know one could take your job and no one could replace you for now i will be lighting candles for you lighting your way to heaven!

Monica Peralta

Dana ItS sO cRaZy TO me THAt ur Gone...I nEvEr ThoUgHT thAT I caN cRy So MuCh In wun dAy...i dOnT nOe HoW mAnY TiMeS i tOLd U tO sToP...bUh u JuSt WoUlDnT LiStEn....I toLD yOU ALMOst eVeRyTHiNG theRe iS aBOut mE..AnD U bAsIcLy tOlD mE uR lIfE stOrY...I sAw U yEsTeRdAii ANd I diDnT eVen sAy GOod Bye..i jUsT wish ThAt I cAn sEE YoU gOReGoUs fAcE AnD yOuR sWeeT SoFt vOiCe AnD uR lauGh I cAn HeAr FrOm A mILe A wAY =p jUsT OnE mOrE tIme....ITs So Not FaR tHaT THe TooK yOu AwAy FrOm Me So QuIcKLyI MeT u ThiS yEaR AnD i cAnT BeLiVe HoW AtTaCh I gOT... yOu HaD TO bE tHe mOsT EaSyEsT pErSoN tO tAlK tO...Dana u were the reason i enjoyed 6th period mann the fun we had was inexpressible always singing and laughing i was really getting to noe u like its crazy how attached i got I rEaMBeR aLL tHe tImEs We GoT iNtRoUbLe foR sInGiNg In aIs..."we'll need a haven for this mental case
cause she's beautiful and she'll never even know."I MIss ThouGhS DaYs i jUSt cAnT bElIvE uR gOnE IlOvE yOu and U wErE sO "hArDcOrE" [you fav werd] BuH i WiLL mISS yOu So FrEaKeN mUcH!!!!! HaRdCoRe SpRiNKlEs
R.I.P. My DaNa *Bo0* i WiLL NEVER forgett u.. Dana Marie [ Stella ] Regan
o5.15.95 - o3.11.o8



                --->::Dana Marie Regan::<---

Okay Dana ii have been thinkin bout you so much the pass few days ii have thinking bout all the gud times:: all the things we did together all the times we laughed so hard our face turned red (( ur alwaysz turned red faster =])) you were such a great person and& u will alwaysz continue u to be that way with out a doubt. Sometimes wen im alone in my room or wen im NoT doing anything are the times ii think bout u the most and& wen ii think of you and& the thingsz we did together ii alwaysz seem to tear more and& more each time. Buh wen im crying ii think to myself Dana wouldnt want me to be crying rite now and& then all of a sudden that tear turns into a great BiiG smile. And& if it wasnt for u ii wouldnt be smiling. ii remember the exact wordsz on how we meet eachother, u said to me "Hii my names Dana ii like you shirt and& ii said ii like yours too." and& from that moment on wen we saw eachother we said hii to eachother. And& as time passed we grew closer and& closer to eachother and& it came to the point where we were so close we told eachother everything even if what we told eachother we were suppose to keep a secret. ii remeber that one day that me and& u were oon the fone while ii was in the shower and& ii needed to wash my hair buh ii didnt want to hang up so you told me to put my fone in a plastic baggie and& ii did and& we talked on the fone while ii wasz washin my hair =] and& then after that ii had limewire on and& we were singing over the fone and& my mom walked in and& asked me way im doing and& ii said me and& Danasz singin and& she said wheresz Dana and& ii said on the fone =] everytime ii listen to the songsz we used to sing and7 listen to together ii think of u. ii also have that Aéropostale Teddy Bear u go tme for Christmas itsz in my room on my Tv =]. We had some really gud times Dana and& those momentsz ii will never forget. You were alwaysz there for me and& ii will alwaysz love you for that. You also alawaysz knew how to make me smile and& laugh even if ii didnt want too. =] All ii hope is that your safe and& happy, Okay?! Nobody sitsz in ur seat in any class so drop by wen ever you want okay. Well the bottom line isz that iloveyou.and& ii will never forget you. Danawana u will live forever and& ever. Well Gud nite for now Dana sleep tight iloveyou. =] RiiP Dana Marie Stella Regan ||051595||--||031108|| XoXo

Savanna .

I cant stop thinking about you and your life. the hole time i knew you [2 years] i knew that you were a true friend. i knew that you loved meh and i loved you bacc and i know you knew that 2. you were such a true friend and person. so nice all the time. but the things you did killed meh the most. just if i could have taked to you one more time. just one. face to face. i would need days to tell you everything i wanted to. so i feel i can talk to you here. hope that you read over all these memories nd candles that i have lit. just if you knew how many ppl loved you and what you meant to so many ppl. ugh!! i still cant take it . i cnat belive it is true. people wrote on the girls bathroom walls for you. it said 1000 times R.I.P Dana. and i know that you are. i know that now no one and nothing can bother you or hurt you. im gladd that you had so many friends and so many poeple who loved you and wanted you to be happy all the time. i was one of thoes poeple. i love you so much dana and everytime i write you something i always cryy ... i cry bc i want you bacc and just one more time to talk to you [face to face] ... as i write on everythingg that i have ... one more time here::



Today i wa stalkin to your mom. she is so nice. she loves you 2. she misses you a hole bunchh as everyone doess. i just cant say goodbyee ever. and thank you dana's mom for always being here for everyone and talking to us on the sight.

wow dana YOU WERE LOVEDD!! there is a reason for everything in life. evethought i dont know the reason for this one, i will know it soon. was it to teach a lesson. why do we have to learn it the HARD wayy? dana you will never be forgottenn ... your my one and only rockstar. singing at lunch and still singing together some how. gosh i love you dana. and miss you so muchh! just if you kneww. you pobobly do knoww and always kneww. omg. your not gonee ... your here in spirit and will always be. 4everr :] i miss youu

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