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dana marie regan

DANA: I’m sorry that you had to go ... it felt like just yesterday u came into school and u were happy and smiling ... why did u have to do this to us ... you don’t understand what you are putting us threw ... I bet you that if when you were alive one of us [] wanted to do what you was doing you would have been like no don’t be stupid like me ... if I told someone would you have stopped, I no you would have hated me and I bet a lot of people would have hated me for telling butt if I knew it would save your life ... I would have ... Dana we love you and always will ... missing you every second and just thinking that this is all a dream and that I will wake up and it will all be ok ... but no ... iloveyou-dana ... you will be remember in the best of ways ... u should have seen how much everyone is going to miss you ... everyone was crying ... I will pray for you everyday ... iloveyou-dana::ms.amazing.x3
R.I.P. Dana Marie Stella Regan . ||5.15.95|| -- ||3.11.08||

I miss you so much. You may have thought that we wouldn’t miss you but the truth is people who didn’t even know you miss you like crazy! I never got to say goodbye.


--->::Dana Marie Regan::<---

Wow you can tell me a million times I’m never gunna see you again but ii just won’t believe it. It’s like a dream to me…it’s like I’m asleep and& when I wake up you are in front of me and& we are in school. I can’t believe your actually gone I’m gunna miss you so much it’s not even funny. You meant so much to me why did you do this. I loved you like a sister and& I always will. I never thought it would come to this. I never thought you were the one who I would be writing to today. We never got to do half of the things we said we would like going to cross county or the movies or even play softball together like we did the last time. Nobody thought this would happen especially to you. You were always so happy and& fun to be around. You always had a smile on your face. You were always there for me whenever I needed anything. You always made everyone smile even if they didn’t want to. I remember all the things we ever did together. Why did it have to end this way?! You were oh so young and& had so many things ahead for you in life. Member when you said you are going to get into Saunders and& there would be good looking guys. And& the time your mom came to the school that day and& she took notes and& ate lunch with us and& she asked us if it was okay for her to say Danny is a cute kid and& I said ii guess and& you said NoOoOo mom. Wow we have had some really good times…but it all seem like all I can do now is remember them. Jonpaul and& Tommy miss you a whole lot they were crying. Precious, Tommy, Jonpaul and& myself were talking about how we met them…do you remember?! Well just in case you don’t I’m going to tell you, we were on the lunch line and& Precious said to You, Me and&  I love that kids hair so much and& then you went up to him and& said Hello kid my name is Dana I like your hair and& he said I like yours too I guess. Jonpaul was just looking at us like wow. Ever since then we have been friends with Jonpaul and& Tommy. I cry for you every day. Dana, I just wish you can come back and& everything could go back to normal and& you can sing everyday at lunch. I would do anything for it to go back to the way it was when you were here. Who is going to be the most gangster white girl we know?! Sometimes I just want to sit and& cry and& curse and& I think why is this happening to me?! Why did you leave us like this?! Why of all names Mr. Santos could have said he said yours?! I wonder why you of all people. You meant so much too so many people. Precious, Denise, Me, Hector, Victoria, Alex, Savanna, Sonia, Danny, Jordan, Jeremy, and& many more we miss you so much we want you back. I know you’re not here but I also know you’re not gone. I just don’t understand that we will never see you again. One person I never met but seems like a nice person is Stormy. I can’t imagine how much she must miss you. You used to talk about her so much.  And& a few people who I know will miss you more than anyone else in this world is your mom and& sister. Well Dana I guess I’m trying to tell you is that just want you to know iloveyou. and& I always will no matter what. I will never forget you or all the good times we had together. Now I am left with only memories and& tears. You left without saying good bye and& that hurts the most.

…I miss you…


<===Dana ii wrote that the day after ii heard wat happened. ii needed to rite something to get it all out buh lookin bac re-reading kills me inside.This isz wat ii wrote a couple of daysz ago they both are trying to tell u the same thing ii love and& miss you so much itsz unbelieveable. ===> Wow Dana ii didnt think this could happen ii didnt think you would leave me like this ii miss u some much ii think about u all the time ur always on ma mind and& every little thing ii do reminds me of u in some way or another. ii always miss u in Mr.Callahans and& Gym and& in spanish now in Mr.Callahans class ii have nobody to walk to the attendace office :[ u should have seen wat me haley and& amy did on his board for u all over it had a hole bunch of stuff bout u and& odee ppl came in the room and& signed it. ii always think bout the time wen it was me u savanna and& bibi at ma house wen we were playin baseball all those gud time make me smile and& cry at the same time. things have changed, without u nothings really the same. one time ii would never forget is wen ur mom came to the skewl and& we introduced her to everyone and& she saw danny and& she said to everyone at the table is it okay for me to say danny a cute kid and& u said NOoOoOo and& ii said of course and& randomly we started singin and& she said that you should go on american idol that was a best lunch ii will ever have. ii have nobody to rite notes to in math and& nobody to give them to in AiiS ii we would always talk bout those two ppl the one that ii love and& the one u love, now theres nobody ii talk to bout that. the monday ((10)) we had so much fun in gym for the first time. :[  why did u have to go why did u have to leave me like this?! u were always there for me when ever ii needed someone to talk to u were there to make me smile or laugh. so many ppl miss u and& wish u came bac. nobody ever sits where u sit in any class. ((plsz come bac at least to visit)) by comein into my life u changed it in a really BiiG way and& by leavein it will never be the same. ii also remember the time you came by my house and& savamma was there and& we wrestling it wasz so much fun we had a great time that day =]. ii cry my eyesz out wen ur NoT here with me ((like rite bout now)) . well dana ii guess wat im tryin to say is iloveyou. and& ii will never ever forget you. RiiP Dana Marie Regan ||051595||--||031108|| <=== iloveyou. (( u will always be me and& precious'sz cheese nobody can ever replace or take away that or wat we had together =\\ 

ii will NEVER foget you and& ii mean NEVER!!! ='\

 im heart broken with out you.

Hey Dana! we had so many fun times . like thatone time at tiffs house when we were wrestling in her front yard nd her sis didnt know i was there . :] wow! so many things we did likee at lunch singing our lungs out . i sing for you everyday and i know that you join in with us! wow!! your gone. the first thing i thought when i hurd the news was im sorry dana . i felt as if i was my fault . but later that day i went with madeline to cold stone to get some icecream. we were talkin about you alot . we called your cell phone and we just shared all the good memories. april fools day wasnt the same. i know you to be the goofy one always ready for some ACTION ... we would have pranked eachother alot . before the 11th ... we were talkin to eachother on aim almost everyday. we would just sit there and talk about our day and stuff like that. i will never forget it. the last convo we had on aim i saved . i read it everyday just hoping that another something will pop up saying "im bac" . but it never does :[ when you lest my heart just crashed  it was wostt then anything i have ever felt b4. your not allowed to leave us ... you meant to much to to many people its amayzingg how much i miss you [[you dont know what you got till its gone]] now i m gunna live life to the FULLEST thinkthign of you every step of the way. DANA we share so many thing ... we had the same earings that are right next to my bed hanging up next to your mamorial that i made on my wall. so many pictures that i look at every day! =/ gosh dana i STILL cant belive your gone. 3 weeks have almost passes sence your passing but still your here . <-- and you will always be there is no dought in my mindd that your here still .. gosh dana i lovee you! never ever forget that! :] bye for noww ... and you will always putt a smile to my facee! :]

dear dana,

i was lighting you a candle and there were just so many things i wanted to say to you but i didnt realize how short our comment had to be...i must have erased it like 20 times because i culdnt fit everything in that tinny lil box...dana i just want to tell you that even though we never really hung out like u did with ur friends i always thought of u as my lil sis...i miss seein u around the house..i miss seein u and jess yell back and forth at each other..I MISS YOU DANA!...i just wish there was somehting i could have done to prevent what happened...dana i just want you to always be there for your mom and sister and the rest of your family...they really need you dana...i know everyone and i try our best to keep them company and give them strenghth but honestly our love will never fill the love that you gave them....og dana! i just wish u sat one of us down and talked to us about things..i wish you told us what you were feeling and i wish we were there to guide you through things dana...i'm so girl..u'll always be remembered..just please promise me to give strength to ur mom and sis and please guide them through this...for the rest of us we will always be around supporting your family..alright dana..i'm going to sleep...i'll ttyt...nighty nighty lil angel<33



Stormy again
i dream't of you last night.

i was skipping all over the place, from the city to utah to a r
grave yard, i kept crying and speaking about you, and continued saying you were too young to die, but at the same time a 13 year old you followed me everywhere i went; and not only i could see you, because when my grandmother went to hug me and say shes sorry she pointed to you and said isnt that her?.  i wasnt really sure what that could have meant, but it made me feel some sort of security, and i think now maybe it was something telling me that nomatter what you're there with me everystep of the way. i cant say i wont continue wishing you were here with me making new memories to add onto the old ones, but just knowing you are in my heart and mind should be enough until i can see you again.

they say when you die, you go to the age you were the happiest at, if thats the case i can bet that you'll be 6 and ill be 10, those were some pretty awesome years for us, and we were inseperable and i wish it never changed, because you brought joy to my life ineverything you did. the memories are going to keep me strong through this all, because you never wanted me crying then, and you definately dont want me crying now. i feel bad for taking up the space on this site, because nothing i have to say is more important then what anyone else has to say, but it has to be said and id prefer for it to be said to you than anyone else, i will continue spilling my guts to you for eternity.

i miss you, sleep well. ill be back soon.
i promise- even if i dont say anything
i visit everyday. <3333

 → ii needed a box of tissues to rite wat ii rote here Dana. This goes to show how much u meant to me.

       Wow Dana ii didnt think this could happen ii didnt think you would leave me like this ii miss u some much ii think about u all the time ur always on ma mind and& every little thing ii do reminds me of u in some way or another. ii always miss u in Mr.Callahans and& Gym and& in spanish now in Mr.Callahans class ii have nobody to walk to the attendace office :[ u should have seen wat me haley and& amy did on his board for u all over it had a hole bunch of stuff bout u and& odee ppl came in the room and& signed it. ii always think bout the time wen it was me u savanna and& bibi at ma house wen we were playin baseball all those gud time make me smile and& cry at the same time. things have changed, without u nothings really the same. one time ii would never forget is wen ur mom came to the skewl and& we introduced her to everyone and& she saw danny and& she said to everyone at the table is it okay for me to say danny a cute kid and& u said NOoOoOo and& ii said of course and& randomly we started singin and& she said that you should go on american idol that was a best lunch ii will ever have. ii have nobody to rite notes to in math and& nobody to give them to in AiiS ii we would always talk bout those two ppl the one that ii love and& the one u love, now theres nobody ii talk to bout that. the monday ((10)) we had so much fun in gym for the first time. :[  why did u have to go why did u have to leave me like this?! u were always there for me when ever ii needed someone to talk to u were there to make me smile or laugh. so many ppl miss u and& wish u came bac. nobody ever sits where u sit in any class. ((plsz come bac)) by comein into my life u changed it in a really BiiG way and& by leavein it will never be the same. well dana ii guess wat im tryin to say is iloveyou. and& ii will never ever forget you. RiiP Dana Marie Regan ||051595||--||031108|| <=== iloveyou. (( u will always be me and& precious'sz cheese nobody can ever replace or take away that or wat we had together =\\ 


i feel like i should be saying something here. but at the same time doing that is so hard for me, as much as ive written to you and about you, each time it only gets harder for me.


its like remebering all over again that you're not physically here to laugh at and with me, talk to me, and do all the things that we should be doing together.


i remember always waiting for the day where age was no longer relevant to our friendship, and we were able to do practically anything we wanted together. i remember the times you cried because you thought i didnt care or didnt want to be friends with you because you were so much younger, truth is age doesnt matter in a friendship nor did it ever, i think i missed out on the things that did. friend's are poeple who can practically share anything and everything with eachtoher, while making memories actually worth remembering forever, people who can laugh, cry, and arent afraid to be themselves when near eahcother. you were always the one i ran too when i truly needed someone to talk too, when i needed to get something off my chest, whether it was about an ex, or actual problems you were always there for me, and always cared enough to listen and talk when it was needed. I've never once in my life trusted anyone more than you, and now theres alot of things i wish i could inform you on and speak to you about because i feel as if i cant with anyone else. you were practically my diary, and i cant let that go. so im still going to speak to you through my writing, my dreams, my thoughts, and any other way i can think off.





in losing you, many portions of my heart and soul

were and continue being depleated to practically nothing

and these new bumps in the road on my lifes journey

seem pointless to fight now that ive lost my way of seeing

nights have become long, and eyes tear stained.

time continues moving, but my mind stays on only one thought

forcing the smiles and faking the laughs.

i want to find my way but, theres no way i can prepare to forget.

situations of my fears are being forced apon my life

the current situation is telling me to abandon you now

but even with the state we are currently in

breaking our promise of forever and after i refuse to allow

letting out my final words and a goodbye

are something i cannot do nor release

because although physically gone and harder to see

you will always be living deep within me.

Dedicated to Dana Marie <3.

By Stormy





only one of the many things ive written about you. and i will continue writing for you forever. i missyou more than anyone could ever know, i cant wait till that day where i will be able to see you again.


"Best Friends Forever

and a great big hug"







Justin Di Lalla

Dana was on my bus and she would be funny and laugh and always have a huge smile on her face.  I will never forget the time she would clap her hands and say "I like to make a noise".  Every time I walked into her science class she wouldn't care what Ms._________ would say, she would wave her hand high and say "HI JUSTIN" with a big smile on her face, as usual.....

R.I.P Dana  NO ONE will ever forget you.....

you will always be known as the best

danaaa are the defenition of tha best . even tho i cant see youh anymore doesnt mean youhr qOnee . now iknoe youhr always qonna be with mee . come by and visit me anytime youd like . i bet i would have lots to tell you.  and we can even sinq dark blue toqether like we did last year.  & i remember the time we went to the movies and saw meet the robinsons and we qot up in frunt and were dancinq when the froq was sinqinq . & the time youh fell&qot cut on tha street when we were runninq to youhr house&how you said it was worth it. the memories willl live forever in me. this is not a final qooodbye. every day im livinq without youh here on earth is one day closer to seeinq you up there :] . well when i finally am with youhh make sure u loook for me bud :] . iloveyouhhh&always will .
anna and liz
Antoinette Roberts
When ever i think of dana i think of L.A.N.D {liz, ana, nikki, and dana} and D.N.A. {Dana nikki anna haha when we forgot about liz}  charlie browns and never giving the waitress a tip.. lol and we didnt have enough money for soda and she gave us free ones.. =] its just shocking like your gone now. and i'll miss you until i see you again. but when i do see you again like ill probably bee OHHDEEE old and like yu'll be 12 haha and yu'll bee like iight lets bee outt 2 charlie browns.. omg that wass sooo muchh funn when we were waiting for steve to get paid and we were running up and down the ramp singing imma buy yu a drank haha den we got that energy drink and we stayed up til 7 in the morning than yur mom like woke us up at 3 then we stayed over again hahaha =] MAN YUR MY BFF and always will be for ever and  everrrr.. i love you man like ohdee and ill never forget yu and the days we spent together.. especially the day wee were at lincoln and yu threw your  shoe at that kids head hahaha good times man good times.. I LOVE YOU R.I.P
elizabeth roberts
dana i've known u since u were a baby and ever since u came along mi life has completely changed u were the greatest most awesomess person through the twelve years of ur life and im so glad i got to be part of all of them dana i dont know wat im gunna do w/out you and i was so jealous of u u never knew buh i guess u know now lol buh i will always look back at those crazii little memories of ours like the time we made that alien video when u were like 5 in ur driveway and when we were in ur driveway sleeping under the stars and playin that kooky hame zapp and going to charlie brwns and all those birthday parties buh its still hard to think that your gone it was so unexpected buh i know your watching over me and you'll always be there and i cant wait for the day we are re-united to the beautiful dana marie the envy of every1 and you still are you are forever in my heart i will always pray 4 you and forever in my thoughts i love you and miss you sooo sooo much i hope you reat in peace and no one bothers you while ur up in heaven

omg. im still in shock that your qone. it feels so wierd without you around any more. your in a better place now dana. i remember how we use to always bump ino each other in cross county and you would just qoo crazy and jump around and scream and everythinq and you were such a qood person. i still cant believe that your qone. and im always qunna visit this paqe and your missed by all of us. you dont even understand like EVERYONE loved you and i knoo your always qunna be upon our shoulders watchinq us an your just qunna always be there i knoo your always qunna be around. well drp by anythime =). i miss youu dearly and it maybe a day added everyday from the last time when i saw you but its a day closer to beinq reunited with you and seeing you aqain and i cant wait for that very day. your in a better place and i*ll never forget the memories or things we talked about. well i knoo your in a better place now. and you will rip. i will see you again very soon. =) soo its really not a goodbye forever. im still upset that i never got to say my final goodbye. and i knoo your family is a wreck right now and i knoo they will get through this. c0s you'll always be with them. well i love youu and miss you sooo much ! and your ALWAYS on my mind. i*ll NEVER forget you dana. rip my lovee. i*ll see you again sooon. [r.i.p]. btw the picture that i put as my icon here is my favorite picture. your soo beautifeul. wel yes my love rip ; love youu<3

Jonathan Toro
I will remember all the great time we had together.. since the 2 years i have know u....and i hope you are in a better place now...R.I.P Dana Marie Regan
Dana, me and u were very close. We were class buddies. You was the only one i could share my feelings with. Now your gone everything has changed. We talk about you every day.  We love you!!! You were so young and beautiful!!! We always use to send notes and talk in the bus and in class. Dana you remember in sciene, we use to talk about you  know who...You are still the group leader no matter what in english!!! DANA COME BACK PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME!!!  R.I.P. DANA MARIE [[STELLA]] REGAN... NEVER THOUGHT THIS WILL HAPPEN =( {5|15|95-3|11|08}
Justin Di Lalla

Dana was on my bus and she was usually so funny.


Nisha Varughese
Even though i didn't know you that well you were still great person to everone.
R.I.P DANA we all miss you at YMS, and no one ever sits in ur seat at history or any class so stop by sometime.
stormy gober
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