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Alijahh <3
Okay dana so riqht now im not myself. Its just coming to me riqht now at once. I feel anqry&sad. Why did they have to take yu away&still walk out on the streets. I dont think I or anyone can start getting on with life until they are accused of what they are done. It gets me so mad that murders are out there&they toook away such a younq life. This is tha last person that this should have happened to. We werent so close but close enough to call each other friends. I cant ever imaqine never seeinq you aqain but I guess Im goinq to have to accept that fact. Now yer a beatiful anqel . God puts us all here for a reason. Yu left a biq impact on everyone yu met. Schoool isnt tha same . Beinq on central isnt tha same either for me. One memory that I love is the one where we created Apple Day. We came to school&gave each other apples (: . I remmeber i was in class&yu were at my classrooom door and was like Alijah and showed me yer apple. Then at lunch people were throwinq our apples around . I dont know how many times ive said this but Dana ilu&missyu .
Omg dana I realy dont know how to start.I miss you so much.I know I wasnt the closest person to you, But i was close enough to call you a friend.I can't help the tears that run down my face everytime I think about you,About how theres not gonna be dana In this world,I realy think that you deserve to live.Ant if the 3 simple words" I miss you" can bring you back to life I would say them 1000 times.I can't beleive your gone so young.The day I heard of this I didnt wan't to believe it, Im sitting on my bed singing to our favorite song "Circles".Thinking about how such a nice person you where.All I can do now is cry.No matter how much years pass by I will never forget you.Dana even though you can't read or see this I still want you to know that I love and miss you.I miss you more every day that passes by.=(




                --->::Dana Marie Stella Regan::<---
 Dana, I’m going to try to let you know how ii feel. ii know usually I’m able to open up pretty well but, today is different ii cant seem to explain how ii feel anymore NoT even to myself =|. It’s been a over month since you haven’t been with me like you used to. Now in 7th period I’m all alone and& sometimes ii think to myself and& wonder why you, why the one ii loved so much?! Nobody seems to want to give me answers to my questions, ii have so many. On a Thursday NoT too long ago, and& we had a sub. for 6th period and& at one table it was Me, Lynn, Savanna, Dominique, Kayla, and& when we thought about the fact that it would be one month today that was it. There were tears and& hugs and& thoughts and& memories. ii was telling those who were at the table about the time that you came over my house and& by Bibi house and& we saw that poor bird who couldn’t fly so you said, “awww guys can we pick up that bird and& ii said no what if it bites you and& you said ii don’t care can we please catch him and& then ii said okay how are we going to get it though and& you said ill get it but we have to find a place for it and& ii said okay ii have a bird cage at my house. So we got the bird but then it got really scared so we let him go.” <--- Wow that was so much fun. :] ii wish we could do that again. ii started softball and& when ii had my first practice Savanna and& ii wrote your name in the field. ii though of you that whole time, and& the fact that you wanted to play with us this year. We practiced that same day that you came over, we also play fought with your fone playing that song and& we put Savanna’s camera to record it and& we watched that video over and& over jus to see what we could have done differently. We had lots fun that day, ii wish ii could re live that day again and& again. Well, today ii went over Madeline’s house and& ii thought of you so much it’s NoT even funny ii have so much to talk to you about tonight UgHh things haven’t been going the way they should. Well NoT really the way they should things aren’t going the way ii want them to. ii guess when that happened ii have to wish for the best and& hope everything goes okay. Dana, ii try NoT to cry cause ii know if you were here you wouldn’t want me crying you would want me to smile so I’m trying to stay strong and& smile but that’s really hard to do without you here by my side. When ii think of all the good times we had together and& all of the crazy things we have done together ii start to cry and& when ii start to cry ii can’t stop. Sometimes ii wonder why couldn’t ii be the one this happened to and& NoT you so many people loved you and& need you in their life. Sometimes ii feel like I’m lost and& ii don’t know how to fine myself ;; when ever ii had felt that way you always knew how to find me and& make me feel like myself again. You brought joy and& happiness into my life from the day you step into it. You were always smiling and& singing and& laughing and& after being with you all the times ii was with you ii could consider myself the most happiest person in the world. Well Dana ii just wanna tell you goodnite and& that ii love you and& ii will never forget you ;; sweet dreams :] XoXo
If ii could only go back in time if ii could only get that second chance to make it all right ii would ;; ii would protect you like if you were my sister ;; ii would never let anything or anyone hurt you ;; you would be by my side every minute  every second so ii know that you are okay that you are safe ;; ii would do anything for that second chance. No matter how bad ii seem to want it nobody wants to give it to me ii mean ii don’t expect them to cause you don’t know what you have till you’ve lost it ;; but ii didn’t wanna lose you ii would never wanna lose anyone like you. <--- ii want that second change so badly someone give it to me. :[
RiiP Danawana iloveyou. ||051595||--||031108|| Can't wait to see you again. That will be far be the happiest day in my life.

Dana I miss you so much. Its time like these that I remmeber the memories we had in the summer. Me&Precious&Amanda were all so close. When we were at Amandas house I rememember when we were on her trampoline. You had such a beatiful smile. You couldnt stop smiling. I wish we would have stayed close. You were such a beatiful person&soul. Why do the good die young? I guess everyones asking themselves that. I know im not hurting as bad as your closer friends or your family but still hurting. Even people who dont know you are in pain. I dont want to believe your gone and I bet no one is. Its just a horrible nightmare.  Im hurting&angry. But in the end the ones who are responsible for this are going to get pay back. Dana i miss you oh so badly&hope you are with me. Just send a signal. Iloveyouh&miss you </3.

[P.S Ill be listening to the song 'Doncella' over&over because it was the song me&you&precious loved.]












iLY <333




Heyy Danaa im backk aqainn : ) how youhh beeenn?? hows everythinq up there in heavenn?? bet your havinq funn riqhtt lol but yeahh today was kind of hardd becausee like knowinq your not there in class talkinq too uss is hardd like o there qoes another day with out her here like its od. hardd!! But yeahh i miss you soo muchh!! like its soo hardd but ii knoo your always there any wayz but yeahh amyy misses youu like crazyy like every secondd she talks about you like in class all me & amy talkk about it youhh. cause its like we cant qet you outt of our mindd.but thats a good thing because your always qunna be rememberd by uss and stuff soo yeah : ) but yeahhh ii been lookinq for youh all dayyy todayy and ii looked for youh last niqht too!! where aree youhh?? pleasee try and come toniqht ii kno there's alot of people tellinq youh too visit them and stuff but try and come by toniqht k.Butt yeahh nothinqz the same any moreee.We were playinq hockey todayy and thenn ii thought about youhh because like with the hockey sticks you would always do something funny with them to make us laughhh ahahah omqq ii rememeberr all the times you used too doo thatt lmfaoo!! omqq ii miss those times so muchh.I just want more of those times like youh knoo. ii wanna laugh wit you moree ;; write notes with youh ;; make insiderss ;; act retarted at gymm lmfaoo ;; omqq its hardd knowinqq we cant doo that no moree ;; butt yeahh ii knoo your always still there byy myy sideee ;; but yeah me and amyy wrotee these like pages in our note books about youhh ;; ii read hers and it was soo cutee soo ii desiced to write won too ;; ii wanted to qive it to your mom but then ii was like no idkk cause ii didnt wanna make her cry about anythinq like reminding her about dana and stuff like ii mean the happy tears and stuff ;; but yeahh im startinqq too cryy aqaiin but yeahh ii jhuz want you too kno that your always qunna be in mha heartt and that im always qunna love youh no matter wuht happens or no matter where youh areee kk ;; please dana dont ever forqet thattt ;; oo and yeahh that your always qunna be mha DANA_WANA for lifee : ) kk

love youh so muchhh byee for nowww

Lauren R.

H3R3Z a short little thing i wrote for you Dana!!!=]

Pain is what we feel,

To even think that this is real.

The love for you is strong,

The memories of you will last for long.



Ughhhhhhhh dana =( . Im back but i dont know what to say . Im so clueless right now . These past days ive been wanting to cry my eyes out but i never did . I had to stay strong because i didn't wanna show my dad that i wasn't strong . I was working last night and i told my dad that i had to go outside just to see if i could find a star . I talked to you and i felt weird because i was talking to the sky . I looked up and i started looking around but there was none to be found . I started tearing and by that point i was ready to cry . I wiped the tears before i bursted . So many times i just wanted to die so i can with up there with you and my grandfather . I told najwa that she looked like you from far away and then i just kept seeing you . I have been having nightmares of my family and friends dying . I dont know what the hell is happening because this never happens . I really miss hearing your voice dana . I call your voicemail one in a while and just to hear it i think about why couldnt i get to know you more ? . I think why did your life end so soon . You shouldnt have died . Out of all people you ? . I never thought you wouldve died . I thought someone else because i knew people that were in some deeper stuff then you . Damn i would give my life just for you to have another chance . You deserve a scond damn chance dana =( . I love you evenn though we wasnt that close . I wish i can go back in time and just stand next to you or watch you laying down sleeping . I just really wanted to see you at least one time . I cant believe this at all . It still is a nightmare . Youso damn beautiful and always will be . I wished at 11:11 just to see you one more time at least in my dreams and it didnt happen . I had a dream with you once . It was weird because it wasnt real . I could feel your touch on my arm even though it was all a dream . Is it alright to have these sentimentals in my body ? . I never wanted you to go . i will always love you dana and i will never 4get chuu =/ .

hey dana. im back once aqainn. i seriously am in the worst condition i ever thouqht i can ever bee inn. everydayy i wishh that we can just qo back to the 6th gradee and just be all happy aqainn. i qet soo mad when people ask me to just forqet and act like it never happened. they just dont understand. im not just qanna suck it all up. they dont understand how much yu really ment to me. Dana omq yu were literally my everythinq. im not even qanna liee. i remember how me yu and joshua were watchinq 300 and we just satt on the floor rollinq aroundd and stuff and how joshua peed outside and we were just crackinq up lmao. omq i remember every sinqle time me and yu went to the movies. like the time it was only me and yu and we went to qo watch shrek 3 and we fell asleep on top of each other. and yu woke up and asked me yu wanna leave? and i just qot up and was like hell yeahh lmfao. i miss us justt lauqhinqq toqetherr. and yu makinq me food every time i would come over =]. how me and yu would qo on the lonqest walks just talkinq about school and boys and all the qirls we didnt like =]. yu were and still are the only one i would literally spill my quts out to. i trusted yu with my whole entire lifee. yu are qanna be the only one thats qanna noe every sinqle thinq about me. im never qoinq to open up like that to anyone else. Dana i miss you soo muchh and everyday i just keep qettinq worse bc its like one more day without yu. i love you soo muchh and all i need is for me to noe yur with me for i can just keep on movinq in life.

Dana iloveyou and miss you likee crazyy.

Monica <3
Hey Dana *Bo0*

 todaii i made a playlist on my ipod just for us all the songs we sung and all the songs we danced too lol.. well yeah just letting you noe so now wen i talk to u at night i would be sing as well lol just like the old times and we can still have the band that we sed we were gunna have buh only in our dreams....well see you in my dreams Dana *Bo0*
Hey dana;
Well i cant help but think about you every second of the day. Wow dana we had the greatest memories when we were together. We were bestfriends/sisters.
i love you so much dana . If only you were still here so we can finish our fairy talle life that we planned most of the time when we were together. I miss your smile and your voice that always made me laugh. Im staying strong for you buddy. The other day i was at the deli thinking about that time you slept over and we bought 20 dollers of junk food. We even bought a cake which we ate all that night. Sweet jesus and i miss how you always forced me to stay after school with you until like 4:30 because nobody else would stay with you. I miss singing with you at lunch and not caring who was staring at us. I remember when we went to the library and we randomly started to sing and everyone was watching. We went to the library instead of watching juno haha. Just to finish our vacation homework. I feel like theres a missing part of me. You are and forever will be my bestfriend no matter what. Even though your not here in person your still here and thats what counts. Theres not one person who dosent miss you. you really were a big part of everyones life . Every picture we have has a great memory thats follows it.
I miss you dana.
                   --->::Dana Marie Stella Regan::<---
 Dana, I’m going to try to let you know how ii feel. ii know usually I’m able to open up pretty well but, today is different. It’s been a month since you haven’t been with me like you used to. Now in 7th period I’m all alone and& sometimes ii think to myself and& wonder why you, why the one ii loved so much?! Nobody seems to want to give me answers to my questions, ii have so many. On Thursday, and& we had a sub. for 6th period and& at one table it was Me, Lynn, Savanna, Dominique, Kayla, and& when we thought about the fact that it would be one month today that was it. There were tears and& hugs and& thoughts and& memories. ii was telling those who were at the table about the time that you came over my house and& by Bibi house and& we saw that poor bird who couldn’t fly so you said, “awww guys can we pick up that bird and& ii said no what if it bites you and& you said ii don’t care can we please catch him and& then ii said okay how are we going to get it though and& you said ill get it but we have to find a place for it and& ii said okay ii have a bird cage at my house. So we got the bird but then it got really scared so we let him go.” <--- Wow that was so much fun. :] ii wish we could do that again. ii started softball and& when ii had my first practice Savanna and& ii wrote your name in the field. ii though of you that whole time, and& the fact that you wanted to play with us this year. We practiced that same day that you came over, we also play fought with your fone playing that song and& we put Savanna’s camera to record it and& we watched that video over and& over jus to see what we could have done differently. We had lots fun that day, ii wish ii could re live that day again and& again. Well, today ii went over Madeline’s house and& ii thought of you so much it’s NoT even funny ii have so much to talk to you about tonight UgHh things haven’t been going the way they should. Well NoT really the way they should things aren’t going the way ii want them to. ii guess when that happened ii have to wish for the best and& hope everything goes okay. Dana, ii try NoT to cry cause ii know if you were here you wouldn’t want me crying you would want me to smile so I’m trying to stay strong and& smile but that’s really hard to do without you here by my side. When ii think of all the good times we had together and& all of the crazy things we have done together ii start to cry and& when ii start to cry ii can’t stop. Sometimes ii wonder why couldn’t ii be the one this happened to and& NoT you so many people loved you and& need you in their life. Sometimes ii feel like I’m lost and& ii don’t know how to fine myself ;; when ever ii had felt that way you always knew how to find me and& make me feel like myself again. You brought joy and& happiness into my life from the day you step into it. You were always smiling and& singing and& laughing and& after being with you all the times ii was with you ii could consider myself the most happiest person in the world. Well Dana ii just wanna tell you goodnite and& that ii love you and& ii will never forget you ;; sweet dreams :] XoXo
If ii could only go back in time if ii could only get that second chance to make it all right ii would ;; ii would protect you like if you were my sister ;; ii would never let anything or anyone hurt you ;; you would be by my side every minute  every second so ii know that you are okay that you are safe ;; ii would do anything for that second chance. No matter how bad ii seem to want it nobody wants to give it to me ii mean ii don’t expect them to cause you don’t know what you have till you’ve lost it ;; but ii didn’t wanna lose you ii would never wanna lose anyone like you. <--- ii want that second change so badly someone give it to me. :[
RiiP Danawana iloveyou. ||051595||--||031108|| Can't wait to see you again. That will be far be the happiest day in my life. 
madelinee ... ur lynna babyy !!
Lord gimme a sign
I relle need to talk to you lord
Cause the last time we talked
The walk has been hard
And I no u havent left me
But I feel like im alone
Im a big girl now
But im still not grown
And im still goin threw it (what)
Pain and the hurt
Soakin up trouble like rain in the dirt
And I no homie I can stop the rain
But just to mention im guna save ur pain
In the name of jesus
Devil I rebuke you
For wat I go threw
And trying to make me do what I used to
But all that stops right here
As long as the lord in my life
I will have no fear
I will know no pain from the light to the dark
I willl show no shame spit it right from the heart
Cause its right from the start
You held me down
And theres nothing they can tell me now

Lord gimme a sign
Let me no wats on ur mind
Let me no wat im guna find
Its all the time
Show me how to teach the mind
Show me how to reach the blind
Lord gimme a sign
Show me wat I gots to do
To get me closer to you
Cause ima go threw
With watever u want me to
Just let me no wat to do
Lord gimme a sign

Please, show me something
Im tired of talkin to him
Knowin he frontin
Cryin about life it aint notin
Would u either be the one mad
Cause the other one huntin
Traped in your arm ma
[ Lord Give Me A Sign lyrics found on ]
Waitn for the lord
Im huntin with the word that
Cuts like a sword
The spoken word the stronger
Then they stand
He carrys the whole world in his stronger hand
You never let us down (jesus)
I no u hear wit us now(jesus)
I no u still wit us now
Keep it real wit us now
I wanna feel, show me how Please
Let me take your hand
Guide me, I walk slow, stay right beside me, the devils trying to find me
Hide me,hold up, I take that back, protect me and then flip the get the fuck back

Lord gimme a sign
Let me no wats on ur mind
Let me no wat im guna find
Its all the time
Show me how to teach the mind
Show me how to reach the blind
Lord gimme a sign
Show me wat I gots to do
To get me closer to you
Cause ima go threw
With watever u want me to
Just let me no wat to do
Lord gimme a sign

Life or death live or die
I will never live a lie
Im guna live because I try
I wont quit untill I die
Im gonna make it, wrong or right (ya)
Make it threw the darkest night
When the morning comes u'll see

Lord gimme a sign
Let me no wats on ur mind
Let me no wat im guna find
Its all the time
Show me how to teach the mind
Show me how to reach the blind
Lord gimme a sign
Show me wat I gots to do
To get me closer to you
Cause ima go threw
With watever u want me to
Just let me no wat to do
Lord gimme a sign
lynnaa babyy
haha ... i just remebered.... everytime you would pass by me in the hallway all i would here is LYNNAA BABYY !!! =]]] and i would sayy DANNAA BABYY !! if anyone says that to me i think i would litterally die cusz you are the only person that isz allowed to cal me that ! ily danaa babyyy =]]]]
Madeline De Jesus

Dana. i love you . you will be my friend no matter what. your mom is rite. you need to help us get rid of this pain. and i want to let everyone know something. please stop sayinq 'dana come back' because dana will alwaysz be here with us no matter what. danas mom i send so much love to you and hope you feel so much better. you will feel pain no doubt but the love will alwaysz remain the same. dana was the sweetest girl. we all know that it was wrong thta she left so early. she didnt deserve it. itsz hard for everybody. but she will alwaysz be loved and she will never be forgotton. ily dana so0 much.

[( i feel like your hero and you are my heroine )]

remember that. i loved that song to. and when i listen to it now i cant stop thinkinq about you. dana when it rains i will be looking for you outside. stay with me be with me. dana quide me through this dark scary place we call earth. our group is not complete at all and it would never be complete with out you. no matter who else putsz themselves in our group they wont be as spectalualr as you. iily dana and dont you ever forget that. you mean the world to me. dont worry everythinq important that has been happeninq in my life i told you about it. =]] and i hope you will do the same soon.

i swear dana the pain is hard. i cant beleive your gone. i cant wait till we meet again so our groupyy can be completee... i love you dana. take care. watch over me through the daysz and nitesz. ='[ i miss you badly

xoxoxo to the family..ily

ily dana

Vanessa your nessa wessa :)

this is soo hardd for me too type this to youh riqht now! youh dont even knoo the painn that im qoinq through riqht now . everytime ii would try too write somethinq to youhh ii would freeze upp and just start cryinqq but im tryinqq soo hardd too doo it noww k.

oMqq dana!! y did it have too bee youhh!? ii askk myy self that every niqhtt dana omq you dont kno how hard it isss to knoo that your qonee & not cuminq backk!! all those times we hadd toqetherr since the 1st qradee makes meee cryy soo muchh ;; everytimee ii think about themm ii cry because nowinq that we cant have more of those fun days make mee cryy ;; youhh hadd soo muchhh moree too doo in life ;; you were like soo younqq ;; but yeahh the other dayy ii found ourr notee that we wrote in social studies :) omqq when ii read it i lauqhed so hardd cause it was hilariouss omqq! but then i criedd becausee i know we cantt write no more of those notes to eachother in class no moree ;; everybodyy misses you soo muchh ;; yourr mom is soo emtyy with outt you theree and everybodyy who was really closee too youh is empty too! omqq rememberr we was in mr.calahanz class & then we started singinq a takinq back sunday songg i think it was lier lier omqq it was soo funny cuhz it was ma randommm! but yeahh nobodyy sits in your seat inn anyy of the classes!! ii always make suree no wun sits in themm :) just in casee you wanna come and visit us we keep your seat openn! But yeahh ii almost qot kicked outta class for yellinq at mrs.calahann because he wanted me to sit in your seat and ii saidd noo!! : ) but yeahh omqq danaa likee youh changed every bodies lifee but like ina qoodd wayy and now nuthinq is thee samee!! me & your momm been talkinq latleyy & she's helpinq me alott & im tryinq to help herr but her painn is soo stronqq that ii dont even knoo what to sayy because i dont want to say anythinqq wronqq to like make it worsee!! but yeahh ii miss your voice and youhh singinqq : ( i think about youhh soo muchhh !!! ahah omqq ii alsoo rememberr wen we was littleee in 18 that me,youh,nikki used to walk in the halls holdinq handss and stuff omqq and that promise we made eachother wen we were little ;; omqq im always qunna keep that promise with me ; ii hope yuouh doo too! but yeahh there's soo manyy more memoriez i could write because me & youhh hadd plentyyyy!! but im startinq too cryy soo hard riqht noww ;; but all ii askk from youu is too always stayy with me no matterr watt okk becausee i know youh were always there for mee & i was there for you too but i justt dont want nuthinq to chanqe between us no matter watt kk. i love you soo muchhh danaa like you dont even knooo!! just keep that beautifull smileee on yourr facee okk ;; it made mee happy when youhh smiledd soo pleasee just keep smilinqq ok.oo ii forqott too ask youhh ;; hows everythinq up there in heavenn?? ii bett your makinq all the other angles smilee and laughh like you used too doo here with your friends and familyyy ! : ) . butt yeahh we never sed qood byee too each otherr cause we knew we would always speck to eachother laterr soo ill just talk to youh later k danaa . byeee myy danaa wanaaaa ii L│O│V│E and M│I│S│S youhh sooo soo muchhhh kk. dont ever forqet that you'll always be in myy heartt and minddd okk :'(


hiiii dana im here again . bcus i told youh ; im here everyday =]

well i just finished wishinq on a star for youh ; my dad thouqht it was a planet so i wasn`t sure if i could still wish on it ; so just incase i wished on another star . i named one stella and one dana marie . two stars i will NEVER forget . tha 2 bestest stars that exist . well yeah dana i really miss youh . it was so qreat havinq youh with us . but now i have to get use to tha fact that your qone . iloveyouh


i freakin LOVE this quote so muchh <3





"You can shed tears that she is gone,

or you can smile because she has lived

You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back

or you can open your eyes and see all she's left.

Your heart can be empty because you can't see her

or you can be full of the love you shared.

You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,

or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.

You can remember her only that she is gone,

or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.

You can cry and close your mind,

be empty and turn your back.

Or you can do what she'd want:

smile, open your eyes, love and go on."

-David Harkins

You asked me wen was my birthday and u sed damn ur older than me i started dying laughing (one of the many times i fell of my chair after somthing you sed) lol you always knew how to make me smile. you always had a story to tell me. about ur life about ur day about yor socks lol. it was always somthing. buh i enjoyed that somthing beacuse with out ur storys i would be bored. lol....did you knoe that an angel got his wings today ? well he did and i wispered in his ear to take care of u and protect u. buh u are a strong girl and u will mange fine buh if u need antything he would be there and we will be here waiting to hear from you your mother is so sweet. i can see were you get ur personality from dana ily and miss u take care

Its been a month and a day since  I lost my dear friend Dana Marie Stella Regon. I know we weren't close friends but we were still friends. I miss her and i wish she hadent passed away.She had so much ahead of her live. She didnt even get to turn 13 years old.Her birthday was May 15. She didnt even get to go to Philly , because she didn't have a chance to go. I had a dream about Dana.She visted me in my dreams =). I asked her if i should take the stuff of my mysace that says R.I.P Dana and she told me to take it all of. So I did her a favor and i told a couple of people to do the same. The things i remember in my dremas was that she was staring at me with her big brown bueatiful eyeshe had. I don't know why but every since that day of my dream i haven't been feeling like my self at all.And almost everyday i shed a teer for you.So thats pretty much itI will always love you.

Love, Dulce

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