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amanda burgos
yo i miss u a lot sometimes i wish u was right here with me sometimes i blame myself 4 wat happend to u i always think about u and i cry sometimes i just wanna see ur face and just apologize for wat happend to u i love u a lot and i miss u i am really sorry 4 wat happend to u i wish i could see u again
true friends are hard to find harder to leave and impossible to forget i am counting the days till i see you again missing someone isn't about how long its been since you seen them or the amount of time since you last talked its about that very moment when your doing something and you wish that they were right there with you dana i really miss and love you so much i wish that you was right here by my side i think about you ever day god only knows how i miss you you was here 1 moment and now you are gone i miss your smile and i miss all the fun we used to have in school and now you know how i really care about i remember when me sonia and you used to chill and hang out we used to have so much fun i considered you as my lil sis and no matter what you will always be my lil sis love you may you R.I.P DANA I WILL ALWAYS LOVE AND MISS YOU SO MUCH
yo dana i miss u a lot i miss you so much its not even funny every day i think about you and i just wonder why did it have to be you i cry every time i hear your name it never fails i always do i cant help but cry when ever i see your pics i miss you a lot i really really love you and miss you sometimes i just wish i could see you again when ever time i look at the sky at night i see your face and all i wanna do is cry all i do is cry for you i miss you so much sometimes i blame myself for your death
Edwina~For Dana's Mommy

Madeline De Jesus

Dana Marie..

theres never enough words in the world to explain the pain we all felt since you left. i cant explain it. tomorrows either grade graduation. already. its hard even more now cause your not here for the signing of the yearbook the eigth grade breakfast or even graduation. it sucks. i think of you a lot though. you actually helped me find myself in life right now. nothings the same but nothings different. things would be a lot different if you were here. im not writing this so people can read it & feel bad. im writing this because the last few months i havent visited the website only cause when i do i go crazy. i go crazy just thinking about you imagine looking at all the memories through the years. youve been a awesome friend & a great guardian angel. tomorrow at graduation i will be thinking of you the whole time. i hope youll be there to watch us walk the stage. theres a lot more to it though. it wasnt easy. eigth grade was actually the hardest year yet. & let me tell you something. you have a pretty strong family. i mean, its hard for us, friends to deal with this butyour family has been guiding us..showing us the way back. i love you dana marie.

& i miss you terribly<|3


p.s...wait for mee? the day we meet again is the day my life is once again complete...

Dear Dana Marie,
                        Hello(:.hey ive said this a lot that ive been thinking about you. at church yesterday i was thinking about happy stuff and had a smile on my face and then i thought of you and tears came down and i siad "Dana i miss you so much please come back".i also remebered how some teachers couldnt say your name hehe:].cos people an say mine either.did i ever tell you that it just hasnt really hit that your gone. i still think your comeing back to all of us with opend arms.hehe[:.thats still in my mind.and i dont think it will ever go away. not in a year not in two or five.never not even tewnty years.i still think your gonna back(;.loveyou<3
Dear Dana, 
                  hey i was thinking about you lately.and im thinking what if you where still here. and everyone would be so much happier. cos you knoe eveyone who knew you pretty much loved you. and everyone has lost a were just aswesome.remeber science a blast. you were jsut the colest person in the world.and the day you passed aways every where in the halls people where crying.but the thing i didnt like people didnt even knoe you and were wrting your name on there face and asking as if they knew just got me mad POed. and i was just talkin' to my friend about druggs and remebered you. she was like why didnt you tell her to stop.and i thought to my self i could have told her i would hear talk to amy in science saying that you were gonna get high and i kinda got mad that you got high.>:|.and on friday of last week i put this shoe lace onmy head like a head band.cos in social studies you had a happy bunny head band and amy said she likes it and you said "its a shoe lace".also once my friend tricked me that his best friend died.and i was bawling cos i thought of you and stared crying so much. so yea i just remeber you a lot.well right you later bye love you.

                                                          Love,Dulce Orea
Jenna M
Heyy dana i remba our first day of softball noone rle talked to me i was llike so only until u came and sat next to me and my dat finally got brighter. You made my day shine i had a new friend on my softball team i was pretty sure that waas impossible but u proved me wrong so thank you for making me happy to have a friend on my softball team that rle means a lot to me love always, ur friend jenna
Jenna m
amanda burgos
dana u know i love u i miss u so much!i had so much fun with u around we had so many memories its to hard for me to say most of it.
we used to have so much fun in school. it was cool having u around thats about all i can say for know.
Madeline De Jesus


Theres something in me that just cant stop thinking of you. I dont like coming on the website a lot because it brings so much pain to me. It hurts so much. I wish a friend so perfect and loyal would still be here. Why? Sometimes I sit there and wonder. How would life be rigt now if youh were still here. I have smiles on my face. And im happy yes i am but are you.? Are youh happy dana? Its killing me not to know. You deserve to be. Happy Holidays. To you and your family. I'm sorry your not here to spend it with all of us. Your forever with us. Do you hear us when we talk to you? Its going to be 9months tomorrow. I cant beleive its been so long. I miss you with all my heart and wishing and wanting you back. I can't wait until I see you again. A sigh of releif. I can't wait until i say tose words again. I'm with my best friend again...Dana Marie. Hows my angel doing? How are you dana? Wow. this is the worst feeling in the world. It;s the worst feeling in the world to think about your friend .. your best friend thats in heaven. Is she with me? Please stay with me. Dont ever leave my side. Not now not ever. Stay with me. But promise me something. Dont shed no tears. Enjoy your christmas. Make sure Santa stops there before he stops anywhere else you here me. And make sure he gives youh what you want. I love youh dana. I really do. Always..Always always always please. Always remeber me. Remember that i also love you too. 'We love you Dana Marie Stella Regan. In our hearts you shall remain forever young.'

I will see you soon bestie. Iloveyou and Imissyouh with all my heart.


To my daughter whom i miss so very much as the days go on the feeling inside of my heart seems to get deeper and deeper in need of feelin your love returned to me they way it was but no doubt i will have to wait till i meet you on the other side of the rainbow where we will sit and talk and hug and kiss and send sprinkles down to everyone left here. Baby i never realized last things that we did were really the last...i dont think i would change anything except i wish it was me and not you who left...they say life can be gone in a blink of an eye well if the tears could fill the earth to bring me to you i would be there and back...may you find your way to everyone in the way you did best...the way only you could were so special..for every penny i find i will believe it was a penny from heaven and no u through it down to me...i dont no how to live life anymore without you i was so complete with the both of you and now its all about sadness and trying to just get by each day...I cant wait till i hold you again and i no you will make that happen..i am no longer afraid of death because i no i will be coming to youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! Forever Mommy
Dana even if i didnt know you youre still in my heart.It makes me feel sad to kinow that an innocent life was taken away.For all the people who knew Dana and are sad i feel and know your pain.ive lost very close people of mine also.But when u think about it yes you want dana to be here with you but hen again shes i a better place.I heard about what happen to you  on your myspace page and i think that eveyone who killed you r going to die a very painful long hard death.okayy so R.I.P dana.=(
well it hasnt been the same without i visit ur site everyday hopingg i wontt brake down or qive up on life i love u soo much and i miss u more than ever ugh ; i dont wanna say goodbyee
babyqurl please comee to visitt mee ..! imuuu qoshh it was just like yesterdayy ..
i havent rele felt you around mee but im hoping i wilL soonn . qive me signss .
i had a dream about u i cried when i wokee upp . =[  im hopinqq when my time is up ill see you in heaven okayy .! ur gunna always be in my heart dee ! always omg it hurts alot i feel my heart is empty i really dont smile oftenn . ii hide myy sadness deep downn . but i kn0w ur making me strong and you mean everything i love you always be there too look down on me always & forever will you be in my heartt ALWAYS ! remeber mee . i kn0w u will & i will alsooo . so long babyqirll ily aqainn (sigh - tear rolling down ) well visit mee ily your friend kara (=
Marc ... collazo
heyy ..dana ... i didnt really kno u so much .. i  would see u in da halllways acouple of times(in skool) buhh that is it ...buhh i have sumtin to tell u .. .ur story has touch so many pplz heart ... idk y.... buh it jus wont sink in ..dat ur gone ..buhh every1 wont 4get you ....u were very special to them in many ways ...well ... i gotta go to sleep ..u will alwayz stay in my memoriess.  

Dana Marie Stella Regan

Dana i cant stand it any more. i need you. everything is wrong now. what i smile i think about you when i talk i think about you what i breath i think about you. i dream about you too. i cant stand you not being here. and theys for visiting me in fire island. i saw you up in the sky; the one star that was shiinning ohh so0o0 brightt !! wow dana writingt o you like think is hard. talking to you in person is so much easyer. i havent been able to do hat in so long. soo soo long. gosh  the days have passed but i still think of you every day. moments and seconds have passed but i still think of you all the time. it feels as if people forget about you. i didnt i promise. and i never will. everytime i see stars or hear your favorite songs or go to school and see OUR circle or friends is soooo hard. our circle is incompleete. there will always be something missing in everything i do and everything i say. i feel i shouldnt smile any more becuase it doesnt feel right because its all fakee ... smilingg isnt the same without see you smile back. i see you every time i play softball with tiff or whenever i clothes my eyes. i know you havent forget about me. we were so close. you will always be my ms. amazingg ! your the most amazing person and you inspired me to do so much , so much that not i wish i did when you were here. for you to see. for you to be proud of me. helpp the ones who need it most ; you mom and family me tiffany adn madeline too! dont forget about the people or anyone in the world who has ever made you smile becuase i know that they didnt for get about you. no one could ever for get you character and charm. [[i want you backk]] i wish i could write to you every day like i am writing now. i have so much to say!. did you get my letter ?? i sent it to youu ... in heavenn because i know your up there. i hope you are feeling safe! safer then you have ever before! i write stella onm y hand everyday so i know that your here with me. as i walk the streets or bxv or anywere ellse. school; graduation without you will be so very hardd becuase i know that you would be the one to do something silly at the prom or graduationn that would make everyone smile or lauphh ;; your the type of person to always do that! always make everyone smile and be happy again. you always knew what to say, knew what to think, what to do when things went wrong. i cant sand you not being here. please please save me a little part of your heart. so i can have it and keep it forever. all the love in one little sliver of you heart is as much as i have all around. you were the most loveing kind exciting person i have ever met. this is the hardest thing i have ever had to go threw. why you? i ask myself that everyday. i dont understand that the flower that made everyother flower bright and shinny and stand tall is gone. your were the sun to my garden the love in my heart the water to my ocean and the sugar in my tea ; you were one of my best friends. i have the necklice you gave me still and i will never loose it or brake it. your my sunshine my only sunshinee but now my skys are always grey without you. dana i need you! iloveyou and imissyou i will for ever and tehre is always that one little section of my mind that has you in it. i will never ever ever for get the way you looked loved and lauphed. you lived life to the fullest but the 12 years that you were here making everyones life so much better then it was b4 they met you isnt long enoph to call a life. a life is 50-10000 years long. y did you only get 12. why was then the time that you had to go. i miss you your touch and loveing hugs. i wanted you to be here for me forever! too bad you werent. no one could ever take you place or fill in the gap in my heart. so i know i will meat you again. you will get rebourd and hopefully into the exact same person you were. i wouldnt change one thing abut you ; not now. not ever. you were the best kid in the world. i just miss having you around; i miss haveing you here to hold talk to and lauph sing and dance with. visit more oftenn. iloveyou dana. and iw ill be back to write more later. i will never say goodbye just see you later! goodnight never will mean goodbye.

Love and huggs .savanna.

dana, i miss you so much. how do you feel? are you okay? hows heaven? i know your dancing on the stars evey night. even though i havnt been writing doesnt mean i forgot about you. i wishh on stars almost every day hoping thats the one your riding that night. i havnt talked to your mom latley but i know your keeping her safe. its been so long since ive seen you but not long since ive talked with you. i hope your doing well. goodnight love.
madeline. your LYNNA BABYY <3


Dana Marie Stella Regan. How are you? Are you better where you are now? Do you feel safe? Do you hear our voices as we speak to the heavens above for you? I miss you. I miss you terribly. You are on my mind everyday. Even though I don’t visit the website everyday and talk to you everyday, I love.miss.think.and care about you each and every single day. NOW AND FOREVER. Some tough times has passed for me and people at school. All the drama. But it seems like when someone brought your name up the problems were solved. I miss you with all of my heart. Everybody does. School. Wow! Eighth grade. Can you believe it. Finally we made it. High school baby. I garentee you just because you are not here you will graduate. Yeah. You will. Well here is an early conqradulations. Lol. I will send a few balloons up once the perfect day comes. Cant wait huh. I will also write you a little note. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! I want you to know that you will always every year, month, week, day, hour, half hour, minute and second you will always be my Dana Babyy! ALWAYS. No one will ever take your place in anybodys heart. Stay strong. We miss you just as much as you miss us. And& its worse for us because you can see us when you are with us. Buht Dana we have no idea where you are when we know your with us. Buht don’t worry. Its okay. I FEEL LIKE A HERO AND YOU ARE MY HEROINE. DO YOU KNOW THAT YOUR LOVE IS THE SWEETEST SIN. CUSZ I FEEL A WEAKNESS COMING ON AND IT NEVER FELT SO GOOD TO BE SO WRONG. :] HERO HEROINE.


I want to hold your hand and walk a mile

Don’t want to miss you even a while


 My life is so beautiful coz

Dear its you MY LIFE


Hug me for my worried to die

My tears to dry and

My lonliness to fly


It hurts to know

How sometimes I can be selfish

When it comes to you.


I am getting sentimental over you!

For god sake why did you have to leave.


I miss you every moment of the day

I keep me awake just to listen and look for you

I keep me empty just for you to fill

I keep me alive just for you.


My mornings miss you

My evenings seeks you

Where are you all these months

Why weren’t you there to wipe my tears


Fear of the future is worse than the pain in the past

Still I bother the lease coz u are there


Every seconds are too long to miss you

I want to hold your hands and walk a mile

Don’t want to miss you even a while</3


Dana this poem pretty much tells my pain and thoughts. Without you here is like walking on the beach with no water. Being in a pool with no sunshine. Having a friend without a bestfriend</333




Once aqain it hurts to say this butt..



</3 :’[

Stephaniee <|3
dana, im hurting more then ever. i need yu so badly. so much stuff is going on and i really want to talk to you <3 atleast iknow. . that NO ONE no matter what they say loves yu more then me. [except yur mom] yur mom also needs yu. so go visit her, then come by my house . we'll go to the rocks ! remember that place? we loved it there it was right near the waterfull and near all the trees. i miss going down there <|3 im going to carve yur name into the tree like yur mom wanted. please come home baby girl. i miss you <|3 iloveyouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <3 [the picture added onto this, was the last picture we ever took together <|3]
Dana i miss you soo much you prolly know what i have been going through the past couple of days life has been so crazy for me and i wish you were here to make me feel better. im happy i could just get away from it for two months. i just want to thank you for that day in the lunch room. i know you where there because when i asked you to make my cut stop bleedign you did. that just made me feel so happy to know that you were there because at that moment i just feel like i shouldnt be there and i should come visit you and that is how i felt for a long time last week and savanna, dominique, lauren have been getting mad at me for a lot of stuff and i know it is my fault but when i did that to myself i didnt want them to be mad at me i wanted them to help me and it made me more upset to see them get mad and i felt like i wanted to do it again. i love you soo much dana thank you for helping me that day. i just wish i could see you again and i wouls talk to you about this. but they had to do that to you didnt they. i love you next time your on aim cant you i.m me dana  that would really make me feel better......giggleshottie 
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