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sean hayes

i miss u dana it hurts like hell to know ur gone forever i wish u were here with us it doesnt feel the same cuz 3 people died in a row and in my life less then a year then come to know u die ur 4 n i dont want be any number i want u 2 be her with us happy b day sorry i said late i didnt know how 2 get 2 ur site am jus turn 13 yesterday but funny thing is when wake up it feels like ur here then i noitice and rember u arent why did u have 2 go so young and why u preriod u were such a good person friend and eveything why did u i will miss u foevere i hope i see u in heaven one day i hope kyle n whoever else killed u burns to hell i cry everyday it isnt fair to us but we all gotta accpet ur gona and fight for u n hope it gets better within time


hey dana.

i miss you so much!

i remember when you said me you and lauren should spend the whole summer together.

and we would do crazy things.

but you are not here. and it wouldnt be the same without you.

i remember when we were on the bus everyday and we would always talk and we would always laugh.

but anyways..... SUMMER 0eight is here. i wish you were here to spend it with everyone.

stephanie came over today and we bought candles and light them up for you.

i hope you heard us pray for you.

i miss seeing you. i miss your smile. i miss being able to hug you. i miss hearing your voice.

your last words to me were,"bye. i love you. i will see you tomorrow."

i wish that was true.

i wish you were here.

i love you and miss you!

i will see you soon!

sean hayes
hi dana i miss u i hope they all urn 2 hell for what they did 2 u it isnt the same without u i rembere ur last words u said to me see u in school tommrow in school sean luove u buddy now i miss u so much i hope in better place i hope hat ur mom wins for your rights ur the best
Tiffany. your [(CraKerR)] :)
--Dana Marie Stella Regan--
Dana ii know that ii haven’t been on the website in a really long time but ii promise you that, that doesn’t mean ii am not thinking of you. instead of things getting better they are getting worse ii miss you more and& more each day. It is become very unbearable and& iidk how to deal with it. There is not one day that goes by that ii don’t think about you. Everything ii do seem to just always remind me of you. Lately ii haven’t been telling anyone how ii feel, ii have just been keeping it in. Yes, ii do know that it’s not the best thing for me but ii just can’t tell people how ii feel anymore, they just don’t seem to understand. They say to me oh ii understand, ii get it, but deep down they don’t have one clue about what I’m talking about and& you know what iidc, it’s whatever to me. It seems like just yesterday you left us. People are always telling me everything happened for a reason and& losing you happened for a reason too but I don’t see it. ii want someone, anyone tell me the reason for losing you. Cause ii will find a better reason for not losing you. ii told you everything about literally and& now that you are gone ii don’t have anyone to talk to. Nobody could ever take your place, no matter how hard they try of how much they think they could help. There are a lot of people who try to be you in my life they try to take your place they try to make me feel better but when they try it makes me miss you more. Almost every night on my laptop ii right to you. ii say how ii feel and& how much ii miss you. In English we are doing scrapbooks and& you are in mine so much it is unbelievable. Here is a letter I wrote to you not to long ago. It doesn’t have everything I’m feeling but it covers a little less than half. Nobody knows the half of what ii am really going threw. iloveyou. Dana Marie Stella Regan <|3 =)           ((The letter was in different fonts and& pretty colors.))                         
          Dear Danawana,
               Today is an okay day I don’t really know how to explain what my feelings. Things aren’t too bad on my end. I guess things could always be worse.
You and& I are teenagers now =) ;; we hit the double digits that actually mean something. Lately I have been thinking about how Mr. Santos told us that you passed away. I HATE that moment with all my heart and& soul it’s officially the worse moment of my life. Of all people he could say he said you, you were the last person in my mind without a doubt. I was by Savanna’s house and& we were listen to music and& then Hero Heroin come on and& I thought of when you and& I sang it in gym. I started to sing all the words then a tearcame down my cheek and& I thought I could do it, I thought I could listen to all your favorite songs and& think about all the things we did together all the great times we shared, but I couldn’t do it, I just couldn’t. :( I also thought of the fact that I HATE that one day you’re here and& then the next day someone comes and& randomly tells me that I’m never going to see again that no matter how much I wish and& how much I say I’m sorry and& say I will never make a mistake again and& say that I would do anything to bring you back, give everything I have up, you’re never going to come back. The hardest part of it all is that I have no say in this so ever. I have to learn to live and& to deal with it and& remember all the good times we shared. Things aren’t the same anymore Dana. It’s been a little over a TWO months and& there is not one day that goes by that I don’t pass by something that reminds me of you or that I don’t think of you. TWO months to some people is like okay not a big deal but when you have lost someone VERY dear and& close to you like I did TWO months can feel like a life time, and& going through a life time without someone you love is REALLYTRuSt you were always there for me. I told you everything to my concerns ;; my feelings ;; my worries ;; my wonders ;; my entire life. I remember when every morning when I woke up I would call you to make sure you’re awake and& not over sleeping. We used to talk all the time on the phone even if it’s three in the morning I told you if there is anything that you need even if you just need to get something out DON’T hesitate to call me. I have to go out for a little with my sister and& her boyfriend so I just wanted you to know that iloveyou. and& that I hope you had a great birthday and& if anything you can still come to me. Visit anytime you feel like it. Rest in peace and& be happy okay. I will never forget you ever even if someone came and& brain washed me and& ill still remember you and& all of our memories. I miss you so much and& I hope we can see each other again sometime and& hopefully it won’t be to long of a wait. Well I guess this is goodbye and& goodnight for now until I get back home ill light a candle for you when I get back. iloveyou. <3 =) I try not to cry cause I know if you were here you wouldn’t want me crying you would want me to smile so I’m trying to stay strong and& smile but that’s really hard to do without you here by my side. When I think of all the good times we had together and& all of the crazy things we have done together I start to cry and& when I start to cry I can’t stop. Sometimes I wonder why couldn’t it be someone else this happened to and& not you. But then I think to myself then who would it be. Everything happens for a reason but I just can’t seem to understand the reason for this specific thing happening. So many people loved you and& need you in their life. Sometimes I feel like I’m lost and& I don’t know how to fine myself ;; whenever I had felt that way you always knew how to find me and& make me feel like myself again. You brought joy and& happiness into my life from the day you step into it. You were always smiling and& singing and& laughing and& after being with you all the times that I was and& all the times you made me smile, laugh, giggle, and& full of joy I could consider myself the happiest person in the world. I want to thank you for that and& I don’t know how or what to do to pay you back for what you have help me become. You have helped me become happy, full of confidence, and& so much more. Well Dana I just wanna tell you goodnight and& that iloveyou. and& I will never forget you ;; sweet dreams :) XoXo hard. I just wish I could make things right and& you would be with the people who love you dearly again. I have been going through a lot and& whenever I have times like this or things didn’t feel right or I needed someone to talk to that I could fully
If I could only go back in time, if I could get the one wish, if I could only get that second chance to make it all right I would ;; I would protect you like if you were my sister ;; I would never let anything or anyone hurt you ;; you would be by my side every minute, every second so I know that you are okay that you are safe ;; I would do anything for that second chance. No matter how bad I seem to want it nobody wants to give it to me I mean I don’t expect them to cause you don’t know what you have till you’ve lost it ;; but I didn’t wanna lose you I would never wanna lose anyone like you. RiiP Danawana iloveyou. forever and& for always. ||051595||--||031108|| Way too short to call life. Can't wait to see you again. That will be by far the happiest day in my life. Smile for me Dana ii hope your okay. iloveyou. woman :) Gudnite Love. <3
I put a smile on my face to pass the time by and& hide the tears that follow.
                                                                                -Tiffany =X
That’s the letter I wrote to you probably 4 days ago. ii hope you liked it. =)
 Lately I have been thinking about how MrR. Santos told us that you passed away I hate that moment with all my heart and& soul it’s officially the worse moment of my life. I was by Savanna’s house and& we were listen to Hero Heroin and& I thought of when you and& I sang it in gym. I also thought of the fact that I feel really not so good about the fact that one day you’re here and& then the next day someone comes and& randomly tells me that I’m never going to see again that no matter how much I wish and& how much I say I’m sorry and& say I will never make a mistake again and& say that I would do anything to bring you back, give everything I have up, you’re never going to come back and& I have no choice what’s so ever but to deal with it and& remember all the good times we shared. Things aren’t the same anymore Dana. It’s been a little over a month and& there is not one day that goes by that I don’t pass by something that reminds me of you or that I don’t think of you. Two month to some people is like okay only two months but when you have lost someone VERY dear and& close to you two months can feel like a life time, and& goin threw a life time without someone you love is REALLY hard. I just wish I could make things right and& you would be with the people who love you dearly again. I have been going through a lot and& whenever I have times like this or things didn’t feel right or I needed someone to talk to that I could fully trust you were always there for me. I told you everything to my concerns ;; my feelings ;; my worries ;; my wonders ;; my entire life. I remember when every morning when I woke up I would call you to make sure you’re awake and& not over sleeping. We used to talk all the time on the phone even if it’s three in the morning I told you if there is anything that you need even if you just need to get something out don’t hesitate to call me. I just wanted you to know that iloveyou. and& that I hope you had a great birthday and& if anything you can still come to me. Visit anytime you feel like it. Rest in peace and& be happy okay. I will never forget you ever someone can brain wash me and& ill still remember you and& all of our memories. I miss you so much and& I hope we can see each other again sometime and& hopefully it won’t be to long of a wait. Well I guess this is goodbye and& goodnite for now until I get back home ill light a candle for you when I get back. iloveyou. <3 =)Dana, ii try NoT to cry cause ii know if you were here you wouldn’t want me crying you would want me to smile so I’m trying to stay strong and& smile but that’s really hard to do without you here by my side. When ii think of all the good times we had together and& all of the crazy things we have done together ii start to cry and& when ii start to cry ii can’t stop. Sometimes ii wonder why couldn’t ii be the one this happened to and& NoT you so many people loved you and& need you in their life. Sometimes ii feel like I’m lost and& ii don’t know how to fine myself ;; when ever ii had felt that way you always knew how to find me and& make me feel like myself again. You brought joy and& happiness into my life from the day you step into it. You were always smiling and& singing and& laughing and& after being with you all the times ii was with you ii could consider myself the most happiest person in the world. Well Dana ii just wanna tell you goodnite and& that ii love you and& ii will never forget you ;; sweet dreams :] XoXo
If ii could only go back in time if ii could only get that second chance to make it all right ii would ;; ii would protect you like if you were my sister ;; ii would never let anything or anyone hurt you ;; you would be by my side every minute  every second so ii know that you are okay that you are safe ;; ii would do anything for that second chance. No matter how bad ii seem to want it nobody wants to give it to me ii mean ii don’t expect them to cause you don’t know what you have till you’ve lost it ;; but ii didn’t wanna lose you ii would never wanna lose anyone like you. <--- ii want that second change so badly someone give it to me. :[
RiiP Danawana iloveyou. ||051595||--||031108|| Can't wait to see you again. That will be by far the happiest day in my life. Smile for me Dana ii hope your okay. iloveyou. woman :] Gudnite Love. <3
Just to let you know my GooDniGhTs never mean goodbye. x3
Precious [ yur preciousa <3. ]

dana ; times like these are the times where you would be the 1st i would qo to.

ik yu noe about the problem i have =/

and im just scared. and ik you would be the one that would comfort me to the point where i would just forqet about everythinq and just finally be happy.

you have no idea how much i miss you riqht now.

people say that i should have already qotton over it already .

but how can i when it feels like it just happened yesterday?

ive never felt anythinq more painful then this.

and im pretty sure i never will .

everythinq & i mean EVERYTHING. has been qoinq wronqq.

with denise derreck and just everyonee !

and it just bothers me to know that me you and denise cant qo around cross county ; or around your block . play around in your room ; be on yur laptop.

and just be the 3 bestfriends we was.

i think about that every sinqle day of my life.

you were the reason me and denise even became friends aqain.

and me and her always think about that.

dana yu ARE the reason for many qood thinqs in my life and i just cant stop tellinq you that.

everyday i just qo threw my myspace mail and just look threw all of our messaqes.

[ sometimes i wish i wouldve saved our convos on aim too <3. ]

i just picture you sayinq the thinqs yu would say.

the way yu would type thinqs .

and just uqh everythinq.

the way yu would try and speak spanish

they way yu thouqht yu were spanish because of me (=

how yu liked callinq me preciousa better then precious.

how yu qot me LOVING. ice tea .

i just reminise on EVERYTHING we ever had toqether.

and those are the times where i qet the mix of a smile and tears<3.

yu are my one and only BESTFRIEND.

i love you DanaMarie<33.

                                Preciousaaaa <333. (=

Jon Paul

     Dana I miss you so much. I think about you all the time. Guess what? I moved to Dover our town. Remember all the time we talked about going to live there and hanging out. I remember the last time I saw you was when I came to visit to say hi with Tommy. You gave us that dollar to eat KFC. My last words were bye Dana I'll see you tomorrow I love you.

     Dana I wish you would still be here I miss your smile, pretty face, outstanding personality, and most of all the sound of your voice. I will be seeing you up there in heaven because I know you are there watchin.

I love you and I miss you. <3

Vanessa (:

Hey Dana !! i kno ii havent been here in a lonq timee.But i really dont want youh thinkinq that ii forqot about youh because trust me ii didnt. That would NEVER happenn !! ok. ii miss youh likee crazyy !! im always thinkinq about youhh !! likeee when i hear sumbodyy sayy sumthinq youhh would always sayy.youhh pop uppp&ii qett sadd.just knowinqq YOUR not the one saying thatt hurts mee soo muuchhh !!! likee nothinq is the same now that your qonee. i needa hear youhh lauqhh aqaiin&ii needa see youhh smile aqaiin !! that would makee myy dayy if ii ever see those two thinqs from youhh aqaiin!! wow danaaa.youhh madee everybodyy happy everytime youh came byyy !! now the school is like nott the sameee !! ii miss youu sooo muchhh. its been so lonqq that youhh been qonee !! &it still feels likee youhh leftt just yesterdayy ! ) : The painn will never qoo awayy !! it just qet harder everydayyy !! Your mom been tryinq soo hardd too fqht forr youhhh.Shee needss youhh more denn everrrr.Just stayy byy herr sidee with a smile onn herr facee !! But yeah . ii justt wanted too let you knoo how muchh ii miss youhh & how muchh everythinq has chanqed since youh been qonee ) : ii love youhh soo muchh danaaa ! dont everr forqett datt okkkk EVERRR !!! justt have funn with the anqles upp there&jhuss look downn on uss withh dat smile on your face k babess !! ii love youhh soo muchh !! xOxO

Stephanie Tichenor
To You My Angel <|3 Times passed by No words have been spoken I had a heart, But now its broken Why did yu go? Where did yu go ? This is so unfair. No one deserves this, And its you I miss. I never thought this would happen Especially to you, So to my angel, I must say. As we would lay, Under the stars, We would search for the planets, even mars. We would lay in the grass, and just search Search for the unknown. We had fun, We had ups & downs. We had many smiles, and little frowns. This has changed my life. This pain is like a knife. Its not fair what has been done. Wheres all the fun? Life I cruel now I know. That I can NEVER let you go <|3
Lauren Amanda
omgee Dana, it seems like just yesterday was thee last time i seen you.
i still remember the last thing you said to me and Sonia.
and i still remember our plans to buy a trampolineee & what we were gonna do this summer, wich is reley soon :'[
me and Sonia are still doing those plans, but it's not going to be as fun w/o you.
i swear if i knew what was going to happen that night i wouldda jumped on the cheese bus with you, hunn.
someone shoullda been there, and it shouldda been me and Sonia.
i love you sweetieee.
can't wait to see you again someday <3

dana i know for a fact that i havent been here in a while. but that doesnt mean that youve left my mind. bc that'll be the day where i wouldnt have to think about yu anymore bc i would be standinq riqht next to you.

i think everyday how i need you more then ever . more then i need anyone else . more then i need anythinq . its just so hard . 3 months ? since ive seen yur face, heard yer voice, huqqed yu, made yu lauqh, seen yer smile. so many thinqs.

everyday just knowinq all i can do is ask why . and look for siqns . its just not enouqh for me . i need YOU. next to me . to tell me what to do . riqht and wronq. and just everythinq.

dana yu were like my quide. yu always made sure i was on track and made sure i was doinq the riqht thinq. ive been needinq yer advice more then ever lately.

you seriously dont understand how badly ive been screwinq up.

and ive been loosinq so many thinqs.

ive been stressed out so much. even teachers are askinq me ; whats wronq and that i need to talk and all this other stuff. and of course yu know i hate talkinq to people i dont really know or anythinq .

uqhh dana. yer just everythinq i need riqht now. and iknow i cant stop sayinq it. it just never ment so much like it does now.

look i love you okay. and i hope yer just smilinq down on me.

and i still hope yer watchinq me and makinq shure im on the riqht track.

bc lately ive been feelinq like im qoinq the wronq direction =/

iloveyou Dana. & always will .



dana, this was to long to write in a candle so i decided to write it here.

dont think i forgotten about you because love ur always in my heart. its been a long time since ive wrote here but not long since i talked to you. its been 3 horrible months since you left us. i havent been talking to your mom so i dont know how shes doing but i will deff. talk to her today. i miss you dana i really do.

come a visit me?

keep smiling love <3.


Dana some say "i needed you" but i say "i need you"

some say "i loved you" but i say "i still love you"

Dana today has been so hard, eventhought it has been so long sence your passing , time doesntheal everything ... becuase if it does im stuill waiting !

come visit me and my brother says hello !!

Stephanie Tichenor

i never thought something like this would actually happen.

its so hard to go on mithout m bestfriend by my side.

iloveyou soooooooooooooo much. [x10000000]

no matter  what anyone says or does.

NO ONE can take away the memories we shared together.


Dana, Your not forgotten, && yu never will be. i promise <3

Stephanie Tichenor

oh my god dana. its been more than 2 months since yu left us. this has been the hardest thing in my life EVER. yu are still my best friend even thought i cant see you anymore. everything is different now but iknow yur still here some how. i would do ANYtHiNG to bring yu back. yu have no idea what this has put me threw. like 1 year ago from now we painted anna with nail polish and shoving dog food in her mouth lmao. and when yu used to come to my aunts boat and we got stuck in the water because we forgot to put the ladder in. haha my uncle & dad had to get a rope and pull us outt !! [: oh yeah and over the winter when we would slide down the hill near KFC on the icee. and we kept slipping and falling.and yu told me yu were happy i was there with you. we were so numb. we took our jackets off, layed them on the snow, and watched the stars. you would always say "your the boobs im the butt, we complete eachother." and also "stephanie im like your older sister, if i find out your doing something i dont like,ill kill you. . . i love you " haha. you had the most gorgeous smile i have ever seen in my life !!. haha remember when it was me and you and we rode down yur hill in a wheel chair ? i sat on yur lap and we went down. your neighbors looked at us like we were crazy. [x. sooo many peple miss you. its not fair that yu left me so early. \par
"missing someone gets easier, because even thought its one day farther from the last time yu seen them its one day closer to the next time you will"\par
dana im still hoping i see you again one day. heaven isnt a place for kids. yu should be here still laughing and smiling with me. like the good old days. people just found out we were just best friends. we were soooo close that people actually thought that yu were my sister or cousin. im not suprised. we were blood sister lol. we both opened up a cut we had and we put our blood together. we did that when we were about 7 or 8. i just wish yu kept yur promise. the last thing i herd from you was "bye steph ill see you tomorrow love you." then yu walked on yur bus and it drove away. & thats the last i saw of you ]: i would do anything to turn back the clock and prevent what happened. you dont understand how much i miss you. i cry everynight thinking about you. yu used to ALWAYS be there to tell me it was okay. and yur the only person i would believe. people are telling me im okay, but they dont know what its like to not have yur best friend at yur side anymore. its the hardest thing ever. its like yu were just here. i feel like i just saw yu 2 days ago. not 2 months ago. yu were the only person who gave me hope.  but now i dont know where all that hope went. yu have given me so many signs that yur with me. your my guardian angel. and i hope you stay. \par


"Now your gone, Now your gone, There you go, There you go Somewhere i cant bring you back. Now your gone, Now your gone, There you go somewhere your not coming back. The day you slipped away, was the day, i found it wont be the same"
-Avril Lavigne.


You called me your everything one time. Now that i look back on that, it hurts me. Because knowing i meant that much to you, and then yur gone, is the worst. Dana yu were the reason why i jumped out of bed to go to school every day, the reason why i was always happy & smiling. I actually havnt touched my skateboard since yu've passed. its just so hard to do something that me and you did together. Like last week was the first time i rode the train since i have done it with you. I remembered our fun night in the city seeing the Spice Girls. At your wake i remember about 3 weeks before yu died we saw the Spice Girls. & at that moment "Wanna Be" came oon, i ran out of the room crying. i cant stand the fact that yur gone. but yur in a better place now [even thought you rather be down here with all of us]. theres no way yu can get hurt. theres nothing to worry about. your okay. iloveyou soo muchh. and i miss you <3 its okay my angel keep singing yur happy songs. im alway listening.


hey dana, me and alijahh are talking about you right now. i miss you alot and theres not i day i dont think of you. no matter how many people say to get over it i never will because i know your gone and never coming back. im going through alot right now with the family, im talking to you about it and i bet your listening.

i love you dana!

smile for me because i know i will be smiling for you <3.


♦Werdz cant discribe what i am feeling right now in this moment...just wondering
what if things were diffrent why did it have to bee like this,,, there are so manyy Unanswered questions i want to know my heat knows things will never bee the same and on those days were i stop to think and rememeber  were we had our first laughs and our last hug and expecialy our last goodbye. dana i hope u know u are my hero. and nothing would change that... just wishing u would jump around de  Corner and say suprise!! buh u never did =\ i love you and miss you                                                                         


                                                                                          Monica X3           

Tiffany. <3
                            --->::Dana Marie Stella Regan::<---
 Dana, sorry I’m a little late my internet has been acting a little weird and& I haven’t been able go on it to talk to you. Today is Friday the 16th and& it’s only a day after your birthday. So happy belated Birthday, hope you enjoyed it. Even though you are here to celebrate it with the people who love you, you should still enjoy it ;; after all it’s your day. You are a teenager now =) ;; you hit the double digits that actually mean something. Lmao. Lately I have been thinking about how MrR. Santos told us that you passed away I hate that moment with all my heart and& soul it’s officially the worse moment of my life. I was by Savanna’s house and& we were listen to Hero Heroin and& I thought of when you and& I sang it in gym. I also thought of the fact that I feel really not so good about the fact that one day you’re here and& then the next day someone comes and& randomly tells me that I’m never going to see again that no matter how much I wish and& how much I say I’m sorry and& say I will never make a mistake again and& say that I would do anything to bring you back, give everything I have up, you’re never going to come back and& I have no choice what’s so ever but to deal with it and& remember all the good times we shared. Things aren’t the same anymore Dana. It’s been a little over a month and& there is not one day that goes by that I don’t pass by something that reminds me of you or that I don’t think of you. Two month to some people is like okay only two months but when you have lost someone VERY dear and& close to you two months can feel like a life time, and& goin threw a life time without someone you love is REALLY hard. I just wish I could make things right and& you would be with the people who love you dearly again. I have been going through a lot and& whenever I have times like this or things didn’t feel right or I needed someone to talk to that I could fully trust you were always there for me. I told you everything to my concerns ;; my feelings ;; my worries ;; my wonders ;; my entire life. I remember when every morning when I woke up I would call you to make sure you’re awake and& not over sleeping. We used to talk all the time on the phone even if it’s three in the morning I told you if there is anything that you need even if you just need to get something out don’t hesitate to call me. I have to go out for a little with my sister and& her boyfriend so I just wanted you to know that iloveyou. and& that I hope you had a great birthday and& if anything you can still come to me. Visit anytime you feel like it. Rest in peace and& be happy okay. I will never forget you ever someone can brain wash me and& ill still remember you and& all of our memories. I miss you so much and& I hope we can see each other again sometime and& hopefully it won’t be to long of a wait. Well I guess this is goodbye and& goodnite for now until I get back home ill light a candle for you when I get back. iloveyou. <3 =)Dana, ii try NoT to cry cause ii know if you were here you wouldn’t want me crying you would want me to smile so I’m trying to stay strong and& smile but that’s really hard to do without you here by my side. When ii think of all the good times we had together and& all of the crazy things we have done together ii start to cry and& when ii start to cry ii can’t stop. Sometimes ii wonder why couldn’t ii be the one this happened to and& NoT you so many people loved you and& need you in their life. Sometimes ii feel like I’m lost and& ii don’t know how to fine myself ;; when ever ii had felt that way you always knew how to find me and& make me feel like myself again. You brought joy and& happiness into my life from the day you step into it. You were always smiling and& singing and& laughing and& after being with you all the times ii was with you ii could consider myself the most happiest person in the world. Well Dana ii just wanna tell you goodnite and& that ii love you and& ii will never forget you ;; sweet dreams :] XoXo
If ii could only go back in time if ii could only get that second chance to make it all right ii would ;; ii would protect you like if you were my sister ;; ii would never let anything or anyone hurt you ;; you would be by my side every minute  every second so ii know that you are okay that you are safe ;; ii would do anything for that second chance. No matter how bad ii seem to want it nobody wants to give it to me ii mean ii don’t expect them to cause you don’t know what you have till you’ve lost it ;; but ii didn’t wanna lose you ii would never wanna lose anyone like you. <--- ii want that second change so badly someone give it to me. :[
RiiP Danawana iloveyou. ||051595||--||031108|| Can't wait to see you again. That will be by far the happiest day in my life. Smile for me Dana ii hope your okay. iloveyou. woman :] Gudnite Love. <3

Dana i know I wasnt the closest person to you ever but close enough to be a friend. Im so glad that the last summer you had we were close. If im feeling pain this way I cant begin to imagine how your family and friends feel. Your birthday was yesterday, I wanted so much to write something but I was lost at words. Everyones living on the memories now and im wishing we had so much more. I still remember when me&you&i think ana went to cross county. We were in the bathroom stalls making so much noise. We went to go see Meet the Robinsons, we had those big 3D glasses. When the frog was singng we got up in front of everyone and started dancing. After we finished making those noises in the bathroom you said something to me I would never forget. You said 'This is like the best time I've ever had at the movies like seriously.' In school the next day we wore our 3D glasses at lunch (:. Remember apple day?. It was the day me&you created. That was a great day. I remember yu waitng at the door to give me my apple. These are the types of the memories with you I wont ever forget. But what keeps me smiling is knowing your in a better place&that every day without yu here is a day closer to meeting.


Savanna .


 i remember the good old days acting like retards on central with shaving cream on our faces saying " beep for the retard" and everyone beeped. i miss you so much, everyday the miss becomes stronger and stronger. i miss school with you, seeing you everyday with your pink bookbag. dana you have no idea how much i miss you. its like everyday i want to call you and talk to you about how much i used to like whats his name. lol. i remember we were at lizs confirmation and we had 2 bring buddy out how he almost got hit by a car, and we ran onto the rock and i was crying and you started crying. it was the stupidest reason in the world, but then we laughed about it. i was at mcdonalds and i was thinking how we bought two mchicken sandwhichs and we didnt have enough money lol. i just wish you were here. i keep thinking about those days. i never thought that you would be gone so early. i still dont believe it after two months. today is your birthday the big ONE-THREE. i wish you were still here so we can throw your party and have fun like last year. PUTTING NAIL POLISH ON MY FEET AND BACK. tee pee for your bum hole. lol. making me eat DOG FOOD. wow lol. i still have that thing you recorded on my razr saying" loser loser loser dana is a loser ME!" i play it again and again just to hear your voice. we were supposed to make our confirmation together. i was sitting in the thing thinking about you and thinking about how you would make me laugh in church over the stupidest stuff. lol. then i started laughing and everyone looked at me lol. i miss you more and more each day. i feel your with me alot. and i just wish we could talk again. i love you dana.

                                                   love your bffl



have a happy birthday in heaven have fun dancing on the stars  (;

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